Mild Suggestion on this link

Story: My first 10 years with LinuxTotal Replies: 7
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Oct 14, 2006
6:47 AM EDT
This links to a Newsforge story which links to a story, It would be nice if one could cut out the middle person and just go to the story,

I've never understood the reasoning behind this type of arrangement between Newsforge and It didn't used to be this way. Maybe someone from those two entities could post why they feel it is necessary?


Don K.

Oct 14, 2006
7:09 AM EDT
Sorry about that! I believe I posted it, and thought I had corrected the link. It is actually part of our policy that we only use direct links to stories, and not the intermediate links. So things like this should be brought to our attention.

Oct 14, 2006
8:06 AM EDT
No problem, Don P! You seem to have corrected the problem.

It puzzles me why Newsforge and use this arrangement. After all, aren't they both owned by the same group? Like I said, I'd really appreciate hearing from those entities why they feel this type of arrangement is necessary.

Thanks again!

Don K.

Oct 14, 2006
8:43 AM EDT
Quoting:It puzzles me why Newsforge and use this arrangement. After all, aren't they both owned by the same group? Like I said, I'd really appreciate hearing from those entities why they feel this type of arrangement is necessary.

They are a part of a 'circle' of websites owned by the same entity. They all link to each other in order to create more traffic for themselves and their advertisers. I believe that they no longer need to do that though. It cheapens there image in my eyes.

Oct 15, 2006
4:04 AM EDT
More problematic is, our 'automated harvester bot' (Dave Whitinger TM I believe) retrieves stories from Newsforge and, so when we fix a Newsforge story to go directly to, the story may even show up two times (Newsforge may be two days behind, so the double story may not be that easy to find). Please make us aware if this happens!

Oct 15, 2006
12:29 PM EDT
Scott is correct about the logic behind the two sites linking to each other. In my experience, the NewsForge story typically follows the story by a few hours. Frequently, both are even in the queue at the same time, and I just delete the 2nd instance. It would be nice if we could check for the references to

Oct 15, 2006
3:18 PM EDT
What I like(not) is that even after we delete the second instance, it still shows up one last time a couple of minutes later. Its like they know we deleted it and send us another just see if we will post it.

Oct 15, 2006
4:34 PM EDT
The OSTG crew seem to be pretty full of themselves, and not particularly interested in making friends. publishes some pretty good original content; the rest of their news sites are just flamebait and newsfeeds. Sourceforge and Freshmeat are disorganized messes and have been for years, and they've made no effort to clean them up.

I'm not suggesting that LXer stop linking to them- just don't expect much from them in the way of courtesy or helpfulness.

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