three people in a room

Story: Pretty is a featureTotal Replies: 4
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Oct 25, 2006
9:16 PM EDT
I pretty much agree with what Shuttlesworth is saying, but, all of the Distro projects 'say' they want a 'really pretty' desktop and great aesthetics, and so on. The reality is that if a final release has a new color, and a slightly different logo, believe me, that's a big deal.

When I and a bunch of other artists were doing design work for Mepis, very little of it ever even made it into the Distro, not because it wasn't good, but because the priorities were skewed toward other elements. Ultimately fresh artwork becomes a last priority and is the first thing to be dumped in the rush to release the latest and greatest(?).

I also have yet to find a situation where three people in room can decide on a color, much less a wallpaper. The commenter who chides Mark for his final choices is probably correct, Shuttlesworth wouldn't recognize an aesthetic design if it ran up and bit him on the rear. aesthetics are not usually a requirement for being a CEO & Ubuntu pretty much proves it. The Ideal Distro project leader would be one that just assures the integration of the artwork and leaves the actual art to the art group. That rarely happens.

On the other hand we just have to look at the default themes in XP and the new Vista to know what really bad design is all about. And to think, they paid real money for that :D

For for the individual user in KDE, there is actually a huge body of artwork at Icons, cursors, wallpapers, and themes. Of course that assumes an individual knows how to put it all together...

Oct 25, 2006
10:43 PM EDT
Shuttlesworth knows more than Microsoft, apparently. Maybe MS is just that bad. Novell releases a really nice desktop environment. Mepis and others usually do a pretty good job. Some apps could use a bit of work though. You'll likely see some of my comments on this issue soon enough though.

Oct 26, 2006
2:12 AM EDT

Pardon the public comment, but I for one appreciate your work with Mepis. I have, in the past year, used and advocated Mepis more and more to my new user clients. It is also the desktop of choice for my companies Linux Desktop environment. Many choose PCLinuxOS as their personal desktop but I singled out Mepis for its ease of use and of course the debian package base. Say what you will about debian, but the server is rock solid as is the desktop environment.

btw...please tell me you are not responsible for the little fishies in the default presentation...please.

To my point, the "pretty pictures" are critical to those of us who operate on the active advocacy level. If it ain't pretty, it don't get a second look.

Just ask any default gnome good as gnome is. (note the cowardly defusing of a possible inflamatory statement)


Oct 26, 2006
2:44 AM EDT
> btw...please tell me you are not responsible for the little fishies in the default presentation...please.

Lol, I haven't done anything for mepis in over a year.

Oct 26, 2006
2:46 AM EDT
fishies? Hmm. I was thinking about checking out Mepis in live form, but I run Suse now.

I worry about bad reaction when the iguana and fishies see each other.

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