Filters & Other Features Now Added

Story: Give the Gift of Pre-Installed Linux This YearTotal Replies: 23
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Nov 14, 2006
10:45 AM EDT
Well, you can now filter on 'desktops', 'notebooks', or 'No OS'. Additionally, we're working on a graphic link as I type this. We have added most of the other features requested, but haven't had a chance to make use of them yet. So give us time.

Note #1: The MS Tax item only shows up if it's positive (a vendor charges you for a Windows license, even if your computer comes without it). So if you do NOT see the MS Tax item on a given vendor's record, there is no MS Tax. It would be good to have a volunteer go through the DB, and send us a list of those vendors who charge the MS Tax.

Note #2: A request e-mailed to us suggested adding fields for popularity, and whether you could buy locally, as opposed to on-line. We will either use the Special instructions box or create a new box for general comments, where this kind of info can be stored.

I thought our publisher's name was Bob, not Speedy Gonzales! :-)

Nov 14, 2006
11:20 AM EDT
Oh, that's weird. I was just looking at this before I went to lunch and thought, "it would be handy to be able to filter the search out a bit".

Think and you shall receive.


Nov 14, 2006
11:35 AM EDT
Regarding the MS Tax info, are we sure this is working? I just check the entry for EmperorLinux and don't see anything. While I'm sure there must be others, I'm confident that this "flag" should appear for EL. Also, for the sake of clarity and consistency, I'd suggest showing the attribute for all entries. Possible values could be "Avoided" or "None", Passed onto consumer" or "Absorbed by consumer", or even "Unknown".

In any case, great job on this tool.

Nov 14, 2006
2:55 PM EDT
It works. As stated, we have not had time to go through and add appropriate information. We'll take your comments into consideration.

Nov 14, 2006
5:06 PM EDT
We will keep the present implementation of the MS tax item, but will make comments in the comments box about a given vendor.

Nov 14, 2006
8:09 PM EDT
I really appreciated the addition of the city names!

Good work, Bob, Don and cyberrigger!!

Don K.

Nov 14, 2006
8:58 PM EDT
hey, that puts you way ahead of the online yellow pages. It's sooo much fun to look for a local business in an online Yellow Page directory, and they throw in everyone in the whole world, and you never do find the local businesses. Sheer genius!

Nov 14, 2006
9:00 PM EDT
And thanks to all who made suggestions! I'm thrilled with Bob's skill/speed in implementing the features so quickly. This is absolutely awesome. I haven't heard much from cyber_rigger lately - hopefully, he is as excited as I am.

Nov 15, 2006
6:03 AM EDT
Who has auhorization to add items? When I click the "add vender" link it says I'm not authorised. Is that an editor/admin only thing?

Nov 15, 2006
7:14 AM EDT
Yeah, at least for now. Hopefully, I can convince Bob to let people add their own entries. I should have stated that on the DB's home page. Sorry about that.

Nov 15, 2006
4:09 PM EDT
Thank you for this service!!

Nov 15, 2006
6:47 PM EDT
You're more than welcome! I hope it gets lots of use.

Nov 16, 2006
3:58 AM EDT
Time for a press release maybe? Or still beta ? :)

Nov 16, 2006
7:57 AM EDT
You actually have a point. An article on the site, even with getting on the front page of Digg, etc. isn't quite enough. I'll get to work on this.

Nov 16, 2006
9:03 AM EDT
Great, I think there will be much interest. I saw people I didn't know pointing to our (rather chaotic) thread already!

Nov 16, 2006
10:29 AM EDT
Yeah, we got lots of attention - even LWN posted a brief paragraph about it. :-)

A quick Google search on 'pre-installed linux' turns up the DB in the 3rd result: [url= linux&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial] linux&start=0&i...[/url]


Nov 16, 2006
10:43 AM EDT
Only 3rd? Obviously that needs to be fixed! :)

Nov 16, 2006
11:32 AM EDT
A thought on letting people add their own entries. DON'T!!

O/W you'll spend an inordinate amount of time cleaning up entries for software sites and cellphones. IOW, database spam.

However, if data entry becomes overwhelming you might appoint a couple of database editors. Be a nice problem to have!

Don K.

Nov 16, 2006
1:25 PM EDT
Do let people add entries, but don't show them untill they have been verified manually by a couple of appointed database editors.

Nov 16, 2006
2:10 PM EDT
I've added the vendor DB image and link to my front page (and every other page):

Nov 16, 2006
2:46 PM EDT
Sander, I think I agree with your point. It would be a bit like editing the newswire, and not much of a problem. It would also give us the opportunity to inquire with the vendors, should we need clarification on a question.

Ooohhh, thanks for the link! :-)

Nov 16, 2006
2:54 PM EDT
oooh. Linkage...

/me goes to figure out where to put linkage on his page

Nov 16, 2006
3:18 PM EDT
An update to the Com4 entry in The Netherlands: They're also in my home town 's-Hertogenbosch

Nov 16, 2006
3:44 PM EDT
This is looking really good. Nice work everyone!

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