Good for him!

Story: Mandrake co-founder rolls Debian-based distroTotal Replies: 2
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Dec 09, 2006
1:30 PM EDT
Its good to see Duval back in the distro game again, it looks like this maybe my first test of an Ubuntu/KDE based distro.

In fact i can be reasonably sure that in know way it can be as bad as my recent experience with Mandriva 2007 which is a truly crap quality, bug ridden monstrosity. After a few days running it started to fail to shutdown correctly leaving me with improperly mounted drives getting fixed everytime on startup which was the last straw so on went PCLinuxOS 0.93a which is still running great, i have to assume quality control has gone down the crapper since Duval was fired.

Im glad he stuck with KDE though never liked Gnome its a personal preference im not trolling honest ohh ok maybe a wee bit :)

Dec 09, 2006
4:11 PM EDT
> i have to assume quality control has gone down the crapper since Duval was fired.

From what I've heard from even loyal Mandriva users, quality control was never one of their selling points to start with. The quality of successive releases apparently varied widely.

Dec 09, 2006
4:43 PM EDT
>quality control was never one of their selling points to start with.

Likely reason Texstar started PCLOS, which is very high quality.

As far as *buntu-based systems, I really like Mepis a lot, and I have some hope that Ulteo will be nice. Mandrake/driva, when it was on, was on; when it was off, it was off. I've used it a couple of times, and I found it to be pretty good. I feel comfortable with Mandriva-type releases (like PCLOS) because of the Red Hat heritage, which is more to my personal liking.

My best wishes to Duval's endeavors.

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