Ubuntu = Chutzpah

Story: Ubuntu User and Member Ryan Lortie Writes Open Letter to Free ...Total Replies: 12
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Jan 03, 2007
4:02 PM EDT
This is like Mark Shuttleworth posting his invitation to bail from OpenSUSE on the OpenSUSE developer's list, only lamer and more clueless. An open letter? Yeah, that's going to be real effective. A serious request would have been made directly to the FSF, and with a better sales pitch than "we're like 99% Free!! OK, so that's going to change to like 95% or something in the next release. But we're sexier and more fun than your dumb old 100% Free operating systems!!"

I'm starting to get twitchy like Devnet, or whoever it is (sorry, old memory no work so well) that goes up in flames every time an Ubuntu story is posted. Like, shut up already Ubuntuoids. Poor little underdogs, you only have a bored billionaire and gobs of marketing going for you. I weep on your behalf.

Jan 03, 2007
4:30 PM EDT
Pompous windbaggery (the open letter not you tc). Why on Earth does Ubuntu need the FSF to promote it? This makes no sense at all. Someone just likes the sound of their own voice. Boring.....

Jan 03, 2007
4:38 PM EDT
Ubuntu has done wonders for linux in general, I will give them that. Unfortunatly the vocal part of its user base (the "I'v been using it for a month now I know what I'm talking about 'cuz I'm |337 u n00b") has been undoing it nearly as quickly.

Ubuntoids .. I like that, it will have to go into the permanent file with:

Gentoo, linux for people with too much time on their hands. (or Linux for the OCD) Ubuntu, swahili for "cant configure debian"

Sadly I do use ubuntu on my laptop for the simple reason that I dont have to go mucking about with frequency scaling, it works fine out of the box. I have my price and that was it *grin*.

Jan 03, 2007
4:40 PM EDT
Wow. I agree, this is really a cheap and pitiful "open letter" and it should DEFINITELY have been made to the FSF. More than likely it would have been answered, and then you could post letter and response.

Jan 03, 2007
4:40 PM EDT
Quoting:Gentoo, linux for people with too much time on their hands. (or Linux for the OCD)

Time? What time? I'm too busy updating my gentoo boxes to have time on my hands.... :)

Jan 03, 2007
4:47 PM EDT
That reminds me, I need to ask the Ichthux (Kubuntu-based) devs if we can avoid the proprietary-by-default fiasco somehow. Sheesh. Back to the topic, I can see where some folks might want the FSF's backing - that would actually be pretty nice. Popular and FSF-endorsed? Yeah, I could dig that. Still, if you have no intention of providing a completely Free platform, then seeking their approval is just plain silly, imo. There are two different goals here.

Jan 03, 2007
5:17 PM EDT
>Popular and FSF-endorsed?

Closest to that is Fedora. It's ALMOST there, save for a few binary blobs.

Jan 03, 2007
5:59 PM EDT
I've been meaning to give Fedora/CentOS both a try. I'm just too swamped right now.

Jan 04, 2007
2:49 AM EDT
>I've been meaning to give Fedora/CentOS both a try. I'm just too swamped right now.

Fedora's too much of a test suite for me, I like things a bit more stable. I am using CentOS right now (PCLOS is stagnated as they work on the new version, and there are no more updates for the current one), and I have DVDs playing and MP3s playing, and all of that garbage. It's really cool, and I like having an OS based on Red Hat.

Jan 04, 2007
9:28 AM EDT

Yep. That's me :D

Ubuntu makes me twitchy...rather, people gushing about it make me twitchy. I love the OS and use it on servers at work...I use Kubuntu on laptops as well.

However, what really gets my hand crocheted undies in a bundle is that it is marketed toward 'new users'.

There are many distros out there better suited to this niche. I hate that everyone cries Ubuntu. I'd rather put a new user at ease than drop them into Ubuntu...if they feel comfortable right away, they're bound to stay longer and not drop tail and run when they hit a problem. Thats just from my experience.

Sorry...this is offtopic.

Jan 04, 2007
9:57 AM EDT
> Ubuntu makes me twitchy

Well, the rhetoric and noob raving sure does. The 'buntu's' demonstrate a very distasteful, but effective way to assemble a mob of inexperienced users. If that's your goal then I guess it's some kind of success. I agree with devnet that this is a very poor way to introduce anyone to Linux. I also wonder how many of those noobs will be with buntu a year down the line. Overall buntu is a pretty average Distro. There are much better choices, both for noobs and for more experienced users. Unfortunately, it's pretty obvious that buntu or its rhetoric isn't going away any time soon...


Jan 04, 2007
10:00 AM EDT
If it's a system that I can setup and not leave to a noob, either CentOS or Debian is great. They're not the sexiest in the world, but they're extremely stable and I don't worry about a noob hosing their install.

Jan 04, 2007
10:16 AM EDT
> If it's a system that I can setup

Well, absolutely :D . If an experienced user has control of the setup, then, by all means give the noob Debian, but, that's currently not the norm. That's where preinstalls would be valuable.

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