Dell recommends Windows Vista™ Business.

Story: Dell replies to those who requested computers with Linux pre-installedTotal Replies: 8
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Feb 25, 2007
10:08 AM CST
Thank you, sxf, for posting this "story" accurately.

NewsForge, in their "NewsVac" has posted the "misread" story that Dell wants you to read, "Dell announces pre-installed Linux options."

There is a Marketing Mind Ray that emanates from Dell that makes people entirely exaggerate a Dell non-happening, then pass it off as fact in the press.

To NewsForge: :-(

I think, for proper categorization, that this "story" is properly characterized as a "press release."

Feb 25, 2007
10:27 AM CST
> ...we are working with Novell to certify our corporate client products for Linux...

Note: their corporate client products. Not their consumer line. In other words, nothing has changed. Corporate customers could already get Linux preloaded; all they had to do was buy enough of them and ask. Your average customer is still as out of luck as always. They won't even know Linux exists if they buy from Dell. Sorry Dell, but my money is still going elsewhere.

And no response at all about OpenOffice, even though they note the request. Typical.

Feb 25, 2007
10:34 AM CST
It is in reality a huge marketing exercise, in the end for all the noise they will do nothing to upset Microsoft.

Feb 25, 2007
10:49 AM CST
in the end for all the noise they will do nothing to upset Microsoft.

No JD, how can it...if they are only certifying Novell "Linux", and MS is backdooring both code and profits to and from it, how CAN they be upset. I am ashamed of myself. I should have seen this coming. want to really see something. Keep an eye on the Austin News...I live 20 miles from Dell HQ and I believe I want them to fess up to this.

Hey, they're gonna do what "we asked" them to do. Pre-load Linux...But Novell Suse.

I feel like I walked into a crowded dining room with toilet paper stuck to my shoe. Sheesh...I can't believe I didn't see this


Feb 25, 2007
10:58 AM CST
Helios, it would have been more polite if in you response to JD that you had actually quoted JD

Feb 25, 2007
12:42 PM CST
> I can't believe I didn't see this

Don't feel lonely helios. I don't think anyone else saw it either, and yet it's completely obvious in retrospect.

Feb 25, 2007
1:08 PM CST
It's easy. Dell speak with forked tongue. As always. Just remember whose sockpuppet Michael Dell is.

Feb 25, 2007
5:16 PM CST
I read this as "we did ask you what you wanted and we're sort of listening but since that isn't what we thought you wanted, we are going to act like we are going to give you something you asked for when we really aren't... and oh yeah, WIndows Vista Business Rocks!!!!!"

I have never been a Dell fan for many reasons.. this is just icing on the cake.

Feb 26, 2007
3:06 AM CST
Dell is walking a tightrope, with at least ONE end HELD by Ballmer and Gates... right? So, although I am more than a little dismayed by their move directly to Novell and 'certification of enterprise customers', I'm not surprised.

I posted at the Dell site to this effect. Go out there and comment, yourself, but keep it rational and cool.

The more articulate responses they receive, hopefully the more likely they will be to make decisions that the community will find positive and helpful.

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