and yet........

Story: Puppy Linux 2.14: This Hound Has TeethTotal Replies: 3
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Mar 06, 2007
7:43 PM EDT
Barry Kauler certainly hyper-promotes Puppy on his Puppy sites, Puppy always seems to have a bunch of seemingly awesome new features in its monthly release, and Kauler constantly touts (or lets users tout) how blazing-fast and small his distro is.

OTOH, Puppy can still be considered a perpetual experimental "Beta" distro, instead of a solid stable distro such as Debian GNU/Linux. No real wonder why Klaus Knopper based Knoppix upon Debian, why Mark Shuttleworth's Ubuntu team based Ubuntu upon Debian, and why John Andrews ultimately based DSL upon Debian. At least with Debian, one knows pretty well for better or for worse where the distro's bug count is and the status of its various releases (e.g., Stable/Sarge, Testing/Etch, Unstable/Sid).

BTW, this particular user never found Puppy better-to-use in general than any of the liveCDs mentioned just above and based upon Debian. Just a subjective opinion.....

Mar 06, 2007
9:17 PM EDT
You're more of a cat person, aren't you?

Mar 06, 2007
10:58 PM EDT
People who like a certain distribution and talk it up are all that bad, at least its Linux right? I was a big fan of SuSE for a long time and I will admit that I had rose colored glasses when talking about it most of the time, up until recently.

I have always seen Puppy as the one Linux distribution "in between" DSL and the rest of the "full flavored" LiveCD incarnations. It is much more flushed out than DSL but much more streamlined than the 700meg to 5gig Live versions out there. Their hardware support is pretty good. I have a 450mhz P2 machine with 256megs of RAM and it loads and runs just a little slower than DSL but still orders of magnitude faster than the closest 700meg sized one like Knoppix or the others based on it.

Mar 07, 2007
5:23 AM EDT
> You're more of a cat person, aren't you?

Hmm, KittenLinux. The possibilities are positively frightening in their scope. It would have to include Neko, of course.

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