What Xen setup to try?

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 1
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Apr 10, 2007
10:49 AM EDT
Ok, so I have my new box up and running. (Athlon 64 X2 4200+, 2GB RAM, etc.) I'm in the process of cleaning out my old data and such. Once that's done, I plan to do a xen install to try out on the second hard disk. So what xen setup should I try? I use gentoo as my primary distro, so I could do that. Or I could do a debian/xen setup. Or something totally different.

What do you guys suggest?

Apr 10, 2007
11:36 AM EDT
Well, debian certainly makes setting up Xen easy. (pimping myself: http://www.jejik.com/articles/2007/03/a_test_drive_of_debian...) but I presume Gentoo makes it easy as well. A couple of tips: Use LVM volumes as Xen guest drives. It's a whole lot easier than using file-based disks and very flexible. Check out swbrowns' thread again (http://lxer.com/module/forums/t/24435/) about the networking setup. A simple bridge is a lot easier to get running than Xen's networking scripts.

Oh, and if you start googling then don't get confused. Older Xens used different kernels for the dom0 and the domU. For new kernels it doesn't matter anymore.

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