re: Another Linux Migration - MS Can't Be Liking This

Story: Another Linux Migration - MS Can't Be Liking This.Total Replies: 0
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May 21, 2007
7:32 PM EDT
Back in November 2006 one of my sisters and her son both got new computers. He got an iMac (with a 24" LCD screen), while he steered his mother towards a Macmini. he went that way because he didn't want to have to worry about his mother's computer getting cirus' and trojabs, etc, if she stayed with some flavour of MS Windows.

I was just talking to that nephew on Saturday. he was saying that he really like his iMac. Thinking about that conversation a short time later, I came up with the following phrase:

"Is it true a chair loses it's life every time someone abandons MS Windows?"

This is a cross between a line from the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" and MS's Steve Balmer (and his alleged behavior of throwing chairs when he gets angy).

Well, at least I got a chuckle out of it when I thought of it.

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