Shame on you Mass.

Story: Massachusetts Falls to OOXML as ITD PuntsTotal Replies: 25
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Aug 02, 2007
4:18 AM EDT
I was about to quote a line from a song by the Bee Gees, and then it occurred to me that I should be embarrassed by the fact that I can quote a song by the Bee Gees.

Anyhoo... what's this about the quality of the standards and them improving over time? I thought the real issue was about what the word "open" means in the Microsoft format's name. It can't be a standard if a company is going to be making money off it in a rather direct manner. Am I barking up the wrong tree here?

Plaf... this is such a tired discussion.

Aug 02, 2007
5:02 AM EDT
I suspect a more appropriate title for this thread would be "Shameless of You, Mass".

Aug 02, 2007
5:05 AM EDT
An even more appropriate title would require gratuitous use of expletives.

Aug 02, 2007
5:07 AM EDT
>An even more appropriate title would require gratuitous use of expletives.

In this case, I don't think they'd be gratuitous.

Aug 02, 2007
5:18 AM EDT
True true

Aug 02, 2007
5:39 AM EDT
An even more appropriate title would be : how much $ shifted hands here?


Aug 02, 2007
5:52 AM EDT
>An even more appropriate title would be : how much $ shifted hands here?

I hope it was a lot.

I can respect (in an odd way) good old-fashioned corruption. Dim-witted and lazy cowardice, on the other hand...

Aug 02, 2007
6:35 AM EDT
Not so odd, dino... I too prefer evil over stupid.

Aug 02, 2007
6:49 AM EDT
>I too prefer evil over stupid.

At least you can count on evil. Stupid's just too unpredictable.

Aug 02, 2007
7:03 AM EDT
"Evil will always triumph over good, because good... is dumb."

( bzzzzzt, thread off-topic alert )

Aug 02, 2007
7:16 AM EDT
>Evil will always triumph over good, because good... is dumb

Yeah, that's what I was telling the Fuhrer this morning.

Aug 02, 2007
8:06 AM EDT
Dumb AND evil still falls under the category of dumb.

Aug 02, 2007
8:45 AM EDT
Paging Inspector Clouseau...

(Is there such an alignment in D&D as "catastrophic good"?)

Aug 02, 2007
12:24 PM EDT
> At least you can count on evil. Stupid's just too unpredictable

Perhaps more relevantly, evil is a choice. Not surprising to see freedom-loving people feeling an affinity with it ;-)

Aug 02, 2007
7:37 PM EDT
I've often said that MicroSoft must internally use the Orwellian slogan "Ignorance is Profit". They got caught red handed fabricating evidence in Judge Penfield Jackson's court and wound up pissing him off. I'll bet these moves will only wind up pissing off more and more of their customers (proles). They're painting themselves in a corner with their proprietary formats and vendor lock in.

Aug 02, 2007
9:12 PM EDT
Everyone who thinks liking the Bee Gees is uncool raise your hand.

I dare you.


Aug 02, 2007
11:35 PM EDT
This raised hand is from an Australian. The Bee Gees and Kylie Minogue totally uncool.

Aug 03, 2007
12:31 AM EDT
I thought the Bee Gees where originally from the Isle of Man. Er, not that I would know aaaanything abuot that, of course.

As for Australians... Nick Cave... cool. Shane Warne... not. :P

( South African here )

Aug 03, 2007
4:23 AM EDT
>Everyone who thinks liking the Bee Gees is uncool raise your hand.

I think the first time I truly wanted to kill somebody while feeling old (and I was in my mid twenties!!!!) was after the Bee Gees covered Sgt Pepper's Loney Hearts Club Band.

The underaged girlfriend of a drummer friend looked at me and asked, "Oh, the Beatles did that too?"

Aug 03, 2007
6:16 AM EDT
I lived in Massachusetts for a few years. There is no depth that the government of Massachusetts could sink to that would surprise me.

I assure you this isn't even a "lowpoint". Merely par for the course. Why do you think Peter Quinn (sp?) moved on to other work so quickly after it was discovered that he had made a decision good for the _citizens_?

Aug 03, 2007
8:17 PM EDT
> Everyone who thinks liking the Bee Gees is uncool raise your hand.

Which Bee Gees? The Bee Gees of New York Mining Disaster 1941, To Love Somebody, Massachusetts, I've Gotta Get a Message to You, and How Can You Mend a Broken Heart; or the Bee Gees of Saturday Night Fever, You Should Be Dancing, Jive Talkin, and Stayin' Alive?

There almost like two completely different bands.

Aug 03, 2007
9:15 PM EDT
lordamercy jdixon, how old are you??

Aug 04, 2007
5:06 AM EDT
I turned 49 last month, TC.

Aug 04, 2007
7:44 AM EDT
oh, so you didn't hear the Bee Gees of New York Mining Disaster live. Don't know how I got that idea. :)

you should be dancing.....

Aug 04, 2007
8:43 AM EDT
Well, can't you tell by the way he uses his walk? Anyway, back on topic... DID the lights all go down in Massachusetts?

Aug 04, 2007
1:36 PM EDT
Didn't the lights go out in Georgia?

If they did, I blame it all on the knights on Broadway.

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