great write up.

Story: Microsoft Sales Tactics Breed MistrustTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Aug 24, 2007
3:37 AM EDT
"I recently explained that I migrated from Microsoft because I disliked the licensing and technical issues I faced when using their software. I was applauded for having done something to solve the problem. I, too, applaud people who act to solve their problems. And the most important problem is that Microsoft's tactics need to change. The truth is, only customers can change Microsoft's behavior. They simply won't respond any other way."

so true - if cio's and ceo's just realized this the world would be a better place. I still can't believe my company goes for the integration sales bs and dumps industry standards and locks the company into ONE product just because it is called "integrated". Now the next "integration" for microsoft is this so called drm on their documents. Supposedly in the new office with vista you can drm parts of the document so only the people you want to see it will see it. Ya this will work well. But of course my company buys it hook line and sinker and announce that they are migrating to vista before it is even released. Can't wait.

we are still on internet explorer 6 and it is just plain broken. it doesn't render web sites correct anymore and is slow as molasses. but the company doesn't care as long as it renders its broken intranet correctly. the problem is microsoft threatens with lawyers now days to sell their software and companies just oblige and keep on buying and pass the cost down to their customers - so why should they care. sad truly sad. I know if I didn't work here I wouldn't be buying our product - I would definitely go buy the competition because I know how much money gets wasted at our company just because we have to stay "legal" according to the EULA's.

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