Windows Wireless Drivers for Linksys WMP11

Story: Ubuntu's Linux Wireless Utility Easier than WindowsTotal Replies: 1
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Nov 05, 2007
1:36 PM EDT
Tom, just posted this at Ubuntu Forums--hope you don't mind my copying it here:


I'm quite new to all this so thanks for your patience. I've been using Ubuntu 6.06.1 for a couple of years (since it was new?) on two computers; one with a direct internet cable connection, one without. Everything has always gone swimmingly with the cable connection but I've never been able to connect via a wireless adapter to our Linksys BEFW11S4 router. I've searched the forums in vain for solutions (including Ndiswrapper, which I've never successfully managed) but found the solution to my problem yesterday thanks to Tom Adelstein at . The GUI application he writes about there (Windows Wireless Drivers) worked exactly as he described and I'm now up and running (albeit very slowly) with a Linksys WMP11 PCI Adapter. Tom, I couldn't find a direct contact for you at LXer--thanks a million for this tip if you read this. When I've finished downloading and installing two years' worth of Ubuntu updates I mean to wipe Windows from this drive and FINALLY be free at last...finally, thanks a million to all the contributors to the Linux community for the fact that I've eventually been able to find a solution to nearly every Ubuntu problem I've encountered in the last to years via the internet. Long live Ubuntu.

Nov 05, 2007
1:49 PM EDT
Quoting:Tom, I couldn't find a direct contact for you at LXer--thanks a million for this tip if you read this.

I am glad that Tom's article helped you get your wireless working, it has helped many others as well.

Tom Adelstein was our E-i-C a couple of years back but he has not been seen around these parts for some time now. He does write an occasional article for the Linux Journal website though, you could try there.

Regards, Scott

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