Elite Hardware

Story: While Microsoft chases Yahoo, here's how Apple can winTotal Replies: 9
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Feb 15, 2008
5:15 AM EDT
OS X runs on "elite" hardware, more correctly known as "hardware Apple controls completely". If it starts to run on whatever, OS X will no longer "just work" but will instead cause users to suffer from all of the headaches Linux, Windows and *BSD users suffer from now due to hardware compatibility issues. I don't think they'll ever do it.

Feb 15, 2008
9:59 AM EDT
If Apple got serious about this -- and I really don't think they will -- they could support certain hardware, list what it is, and let everybody else either conform or lump it. Hey ... that's what they do now, only they're the only one that sells it.

My point in the editorial is that they're making great margins on computer workstation hardware, but by virtue of that hardware being so damn expensive, it's all at the high end. If they could get a low-end solution -- not a Mac Mini, but something more akin to a $500 box PC -- the OS itself could gain a lot more traction.

I didn't really spell it out (though I have before) there a whole lot of collusion between Microsoft and Apple. It's never quite said out in the open, but these two companies are very friendly: Apple agrees, if tacitly, not to compete for the OS market on non-Apple hardware, and Microsoft agrees to continue porting Office to OS X. It's not a perfect relationship, but with MS so inept when it comes to producing actual non-software products (Zune), there's a whole lot of back-scratching going on.

Not that another company couldn't produce and sell a commercial OS (even emanating from FOSS, as Red Hat, Linspire, Xandros and others are doing) and really compete with Microsoft, but Apple is the company best positioned to do so.

But ... I guess they know what they're doing (even though I may not like it ).

Feb 15, 2008
11:08 AM EDT
I think Sun will start selling to consumers more if they can get Solaris a little more snappy and user friendly, Indiana is a step in the right direction and progressing.

I think Red Hat will soon start selling through Dell, with their Global Desktop, but that's a total hunch (well, I guess they're both hunches).

Feb 15, 2008
11:44 AM EDT
I expect good things from Red Hat Global Desktop, if it ever comes out.

Feb 15, 2008
12:02 PM EDT
Quoting: if it ever comes out

Yeah, at this point RHEL 6 will be out first!

Feb 15, 2008
1:20 PM EDT
> but with MS so inept when it comes to producing actual non-software products...

Microsoft's mice and keyboards have usually been good. though not great, products.

Feb 15, 2008
1:28 PM EDT
> Microsoft's mice and keyboards have usually been good. though not great, products.

Indeed true. I've heard from someone I know that they are very happy with their "ergonomic" Microsoft keyboard.

I believe they are made _for_, rather than _by_, Microsoft.


Feb 15, 2008
1:34 PM EDT
Quoting:I believe they are made _for_, rather than _by_, Microsoft.

Now that would be quite interesting to find out. What Microsoft Hardware products are actually developed/produced by them and which ones are actually made by someone else and just sold under the MS label?

Feb 15, 2008
2:08 PM EDT
I cannot type on anything but a Microsoft Ergonomic 4000. It's the only thing with a Microsoft name on it that I have paid money for in well over a decade, and I make all my employers buy me one. I'm not saying it's the best built keyboard out there by any means, but it has been durable and very comfortable for me. I also have a few MS optical mice that I inherited one way or another that work well for my hands. My paws are much larger than average.

I have no idea who builds these for them, but I consider them very good products despite the logo.

Feb 15, 2008
3:11 PM EDT
Quoting:but with MS so inept when it comes to producing actual non-software products...

What about xbox?

And shouldn't it be: "but with MS so inept when it comes to producing actual software products..." ? ;)

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