Canonical is doing the right thing

Story: Will The Canoniclique Finally Listen To Kubuntu?Total Replies: 23
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Feb 29, 2008
10:09 AM EDT
KDE is not essential to the success of Ubuntu. Canonical is doing the right thing - they focus on the core, not on bells and whistles.

Feb 29, 2008
10:18 AM EDT
I might support KDE when stops looking and acting so much like MS-Windows (including the bloat.)

XFCE all the way baby!

Feb 29, 2008
10:37 AM EDT
Quoting:Critics may say that given GNOME's popularity within Ubuntu, working to provide more functionality, fit and finish for the minority of Kubuntu users isn't a worthwhile investment.
Which is no different than popularity of Internet Explorer or Notepad or the Green Pasture wallpaper in Microsoft Windows. It is only popular because it is the default and the average user doesn't know other options exist. In reality, Kubuntu would be a much more familiar environment for Windows converts. OS X users? Well, they are pretty much lost without the Dock and Finder, but the upper-left menus in Gnome are somewhat familiar.

I am a Kubuntu user and I'm pretty happy with it, all things considered (Of course I have used and supported end-users on Ubuntu, too). Kubuntu is not severely lacking attention. I tweak it to my tastes just like I would any KDE distro. It was a good compromise for me between pure Debian and some of the more heavily customized KDE distros, like MEPIS, etc. I hope the Kubuntu team and Canonical can at the very least work cooperatively to make both desktops a success. There are plenty of users to support both.


Feb 29, 2008
10:44 AM EDT
@ darrenr114 -

> I might support KDE when stops looking and acting so much like MS-Windows (including the bloat.)

LOL! When did ms windoze get virtual desktops? There's no comparison.

Seriously, KDE is very configurable, can even be configured with a redmondesque theme, but aping microsoft is not one of the things that comes to mind when I think of kde.

Feb 29, 2008
10:59 AM EDT

Feb 29, 2008
11:02 AM EDT
There are of course other KDE based distributions about that are every bit as good as Kubuntu, it's quite easy to go and use something like Mandriva instead. The amount of time spent focussing on *buntu amazes me. At least it's bringing Linux to more people's attention though.

Feb 29, 2008
12:21 PM EDT
Darren, the KDE bloat you deride is not KDE it's what various distros include with their KDE environment. I have had a perfectly working thumbdrive install with KDE on it that weighed in ~300 meg. About a year and a half ago I took a real hard look at KDE vs Gnome core installs. KDE came in slimmer than gnome in both size and resource footprint.

So the bloat you talk of comes as distro specific not environment specific.

oh, and one more point; *Austin Powers* "yeah baby, Fluxbox baby, yeah"

Feb 29, 2008
12:41 PM EDT
@herzeleid: FYI there are virtual desktops for windows, can be downloaded from MS site. I played with it for (say) 31.2 secs but as you said: there's no comparison.

Feb 29, 2008
12:53 PM EDT
Quoting: FYI there are virtual desktops for windows

Those are not really virtual desktops, just controlled minimizing/restoring of windows.

Feb 29, 2008
2:26 PM EDT
The PCLinuxOS MiniMe shows how fast KDE can be ... and don't forget Slackware.

Feb 29, 2008
2:27 PM EDT
@azerthoth -

> "yeah baby, Fluxbox baby, yeah"

Oh, behave!!!

Feb 29, 2008
3:20 PM EDT
Hey, Big Boy. Wanna play with my FVWM?

Mar 01, 2008
3:47 AM EDT
with Ubuntu,Gnome is awakening and claiming good market share. I liked the Gnome's simplicity.also Ubuntu's version of GNOME FTW!

while IMHO,kde kauentu thing should be removed for the sake of unity .let Ubuntu be a Gnome distro.after all there are many (infact most!) kdeboys distros like slackware,suse,pclinuxos etc. why Ubuntu?after kubuntu is started,I personally felt kde users are revolting against the sane Default Ubuntu Gnome.

Ubuntu devels should concentrate on Ubuntu with Gnome for the sake of US,common people.control freaks who wants kde in a debian distro should go somewhere like mepis,sidux,debian lenny etc.why becoming PITA for us Gnome users?we are happy with a Gnome distro which bundles latest Gnome,customize it to be user-friendly.but after kubuntu came,I felt there is a chance for a division in Ubuntu community afterall,we know kde boys are....

Mar 01, 2008
4:07 AM EDT
Quoting: kauentu thing should be removed for the sake of unity

after kubuntu is started,I personally felt kde users are revolting against the sane Default Ubuntu Gnome.

Ubuntu devels should concentrate on Ubuntu with Gnome for the sake of US

afterall,we know kde boys are....

OY!! You wouldn't be trolling for a flame war would you? Geez.....

I guess Xubuntu and Fluxbuntu devs should commit suicide as well??? And Linux Mint is taking attention away from the mother distro?

The Linux community is a big and diverse community. Why feel such anguish over a spin on the distro that is not the default with the main distro? We in the PCLOS community did not get alarmed over the recent PCLOS-GNOME spin that came out, we in the Mepis community are not taken aback by the AntiX spin on that distro...the response on all sides has been "Cool!" and not "Crap!". Chill.

Mar 01, 2008
5:26 AM EDT
I'm happy with gnome on Ubuntu but I like the option of installing kde programs so as far as I am concerned kubuntu is great. Only one Canonical developer (Riddell) works on kde so it's no "biggie".

Mar 01, 2008
6:17 AM EDT
So long as there exist well documented file formats and protocols, the front-end can change, differ, mix and match at will.

That's what makes the F/OSS environment so different from the proprietary. No matter how competitive or "nationalistic" (desktopistic?) people care to be, at the end of the day everyone can work together seamlessly.

Yesterday, someone sent me a .DOCX file. MS-Office2007. opened it just fine. :^)


Mar 01, 2008
7:26 PM EDT
I've been able to open and save to DOCX files for some time, I installed the converter that used to be available on Novell's website.

Mar 02, 2008
3:08 AM EDT
I just don't get it. Why do KDE users (and I was one of them until Ubuntu 6.06) ALWAYS want to insist that those who prefer Gnome (me now) have to make KDE the default desktop? Or somehow make it a priority?

Now if you prefer KDE, use Kubuntu, or SUSE or any number of KDE oriented desktops. But, please, please let us Gnome users have our own distro (Ubuntu) too.

Do those who always complain feel so threatened by a successful Gnome desktop distro?


Mar 02, 2008
3:16 AM EDT
Quoting:I just don't get it. Why do KDE users (and I was one of them until Ubuntu 6.06) ALWAYS want to insist that those who prefer Gnome (me now) have to make KDE the default desktop? Or somehow make it a priority?

They do? Really?

It's more a matter of neglect, not priority. And only in Ubuntu land. The rest of the world happily ignores the problem ;)

Mar 02, 2008
3:22 AM EDT
Personally I couldn't give a rats if Ubuntu support KDE or not. Mandriva does, so use Mandriva, or PCLinux OS for that matter. You want a Debian based Linux then use Mepis, or the real thing, and install KDE.

Mar 02, 2008
5:09 AM EDT
Does Ubuntu not have KDE in its official repositories?

Mar 02, 2008
6:07 AM EDT
It does. How else can you install KDE apps on Ubuntu. I think that the pet peeve of KDE folk is that Canonical really polishes Gnome on Ubuntu but doesn't do the same thing for KDE. It's pretty much left in default state until the Kubuntu people started working on it.

Mar 02, 2008
7:54 AM EDT

Yes they do. Really.

In case you don't know it, Ubuntu was the only release INITIALLY made by Canonical. It was independent developers who came up with Kubuntu. Then Canonical took Kubuntu under their wing to help the kde people with support.

Now all we hear is how Canonical is ignoring KDE in favor of Gnome. Well DUH! UBUNTU supposed to be a Gnome release. Live with it. If you think you can make Kubuntu better then please contribute your code or modifications.


Mar 02, 2008
1:15 PM EDT
Quoting: I think that the pet peeve of KDE folk is that Canonical really polishes Gnome on Ubuntu

The fact is that I customize the crap out of KDE anyway to suit what I want, so I could give a poop about what the defaults are. It doesn't matter much what they supply me with, I'm gonna tweak it anyway. If it's there, it's fine. That's been my experience with most KDE folks, YMMV.

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