Not really

Story: Linspire's Market Has Changed: Adopt Or DieTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Mar 16, 2008
8:01 PM EDT
Quoting:And back in 2004-2005, Linspire was indeed, the best overall beginner-friendly Linux option in the market.

Not really. So long as everything else was perfect it was fine, but the moment you needed to do anything fancy the noob had to very quickly learn how to use the command line, there was no nice safe gui for them to rely on -I know that Mandriva in 2004-2005 was much more noob friendly - and if they had to do a reinstall (upgrade) the OS, there was every chance that all the user accounts would have full root access.

I see also that Matt Hartley's discovered other distros.

Actually just die, would be a good idea for Linspire.

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