Recursively checking file headers to recover files

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 2
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Mar 30, 2008
10:42 AM EDT
Ok, I'm looking at the old corrupted directory structure from when my fileserver controller failed. So what I'm wondering is, is there a way to have a script walk the directory structure and check the file headers and then move them appropriately? I.E. have a Pics directory, and anything with a jpeg or orf fileheader would be moved there, etc. I'd like to recover the pictures (at least) if possible, but I really don't have the time to check 25GB worth of files by hand. Any suggestions?

Mar 30, 2008
11:17 AM EDT

Mar 30, 2008
1:15 PM EDT
The problem with that is that it wants to probe a raw device to find data. I have what was readable after fscking the disk the data was originally on. The data I have was copied off of the original disk to one of my partitions. So I don't think it will work (I'd probably have to dump what I have copied to an empty disk and try running it on that). Though maybe I'll give it a run anyway if I can dig out a spare disk large enough to dump the stuff to.

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