i really wanted this to happen

Story: Steve Ballmer's letter to Yahoo CEO Jerry YangTotal Replies: 12
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May 04, 2008
6:26 AM EDT
I was so hoping that the crushing anaconda would try to swallow the crocodile whole. It would have dragged both companies under.

MSFT can't afford yahoo anymore. In a competitive marketplace with mind share and their being known for being a bully MSFT just doesn't have the resources to merge two completely different companies.

it would have killed them both. what a shame to see such potential go to such a waste

May 04, 2008
7:40 AM EDT
I agree, it would have been interesting to see just long the pill of Yahoo stayed stuck in the throat of Microsoft.


May 04, 2008
7:27 PM EDT
Also see the LXer comments at http://lxer.com/module/forums/t/27184/ following Shuttleworth's comments on ' Microsoft's about to 'swallow a hand-grenade' '.

Obviously, the "Second Scenario" based upon Swishers comments at http://kara.allthingsd.com/20080425/while-ballmer-and-yang-f... seems most likely to pass. Ballmer basically projected these intentions over an indistinct time period when he writes near the end of his letter to Yang:
Quoting:We will move forward and will continue to innovate and grow our business at Microsoft with the talented team we have in place and potentially through strategic transactions with other business partners.

While Yang will be no doubt urgently trying to "put up" some serious Yahoo!-shareholder value after having failed to effectively "shut up" with Microsoft, MS can now purchase the smaller Google-alliance types businesses Ballmer hints at doing in his letter to Yang. After having done so, and should Yang fail to raise Yahoo! from Wall Street expectations -- in six months? one year? two years? -- then MS will be ready to easily acquire Yahoo!

To use the top analogy of this thread, the crushing anaconda would then swallow whole just "a small [Yahoo!] lizard" at this future time .


May 05, 2008
12:59 AM EDT
I am reminded of a scene in Return of the Jedi. A bipedal Imperial Walker marches through the forest shooting muppets, and then the muppets release a stack of logs to roll down the hill at the walker. The logs roll under the walker and it gets unstable, its legs wobble, it suddenly looks comical, clumsy, not menacing anymore - and then it falls over.

The muppets rejoice.

That Imperial Walker is Microsoft. Can I be the Swedish Chef?

EDIT: Steven A. Ballmer? Instead of looking the A. up, I think I'll insert my own word as his middle name.

May 05, 2008
9:01 AM EDT
Nothing about this Yahoo deal makes sense, except as a Carly Fiorina "I wanna make a beeeeg deal and be a beeeeeg shot!" scenario.

May 05, 2008
2:33 PM EDT
Another appropriate metaphorical image of Microsoft's strategy towards Yahoo! comes from 'Yahoo: cold, soft, easy to digest' found at http://blogs.reuters.com/reuters-dealzone/2008/05/05/yahoo-c...
Quoting:Now that Microsoft’s attempt to buy Yahoo seems to have failed, there’s a lot of speculation about Microsoft’s strategy.

Deal Journal speculates that Microsoft may be following a “no”-really-means-”maybe” strategy. “In the past, Oracle and PepsiCo backed away from takeover attempts, only to return to the negotiating table after their prey twisted in the wind,” Heidi Moore writes.

But here’s an even more evocative prey metaphor, from venture capitalist Todd Dagres of Spark Capital: “Microsoft is using the crocodile strategy- - rather than try to eat its prey while it’s warm and tough, it’s dragging it down to the bottom of the river, sticking it under a rock and eating it later when it’s cold and soft.”

Either way, is Yahoo eventually dead meat?

Since Yahoo! MUST hold its annual shareholders meeting sometime before mid-July, it's conceivably possible that Yahoo could be "dead meat" before its latest deadline.


May 05, 2008
5:06 PM EDT
If shareholders actually mattered, would Ballmer still have a job?

May 05, 2008
5:32 PM EDT
[q]If shareholders actually mattered, would Ballmer still have a job?[/q]

You've got to remember who you're dealing with here. And chairs are an abundant resource...

May 06, 2008
1:55 AM EDT
Something tells me that Yahoo has something up its sleeve....

May 06, 2008
3:03 AM EDT
Quoting: Something tells me that Yahoo has something up its sleeve....

Relicensing Zimbra under the GPLv3 would be nice. :) Hey, think on a grand scale!! It would also make them less attractive because the source code would be in the wild and MS couldn't kill it by buying Yahoo.

May 06, 2008
10:20 AM EDT
Zimbra is already open source licensed under the YPL which, if I understand it correctly, is very much like GPLv2.

May 07, 2008
5:42 AM EDT
Being a quivering tower of jello on this matter, I rejoice in the fact that this, above all, is ultimately a victory for Google. Now, we all hold our collective breathes to see if they get as drunk with power as did MS.

Some say they already have.

Right Chinese citizens?


May 07, 2008
6:28 AM EDT
Quoting: the YPL which, if I understand it correctly, is very much like GPLv2.

IANAL...but I don't think that's quite correct. It's similar in a lot of ways, including allowing you to have the source, change the source, distribute the changes and forcing people to accept the same license to grant the same freedoms...which sounds very much like the GPL. The scary thing is...

Quoting: 3.2 - In any copy of the Software or in any Modification you create, You must retain and reproduce, any and all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices that are included in the Software in the same form as they appear in the Software. This includes the preservation of attribution notices in the form of trademarks or logos that exist within a user interface of the Software.

As I read it, it means no "Iceweasel" of Zimbra, you must use the Zimbra logos, etc. I am not sure how that would impact someone using a modified Zimbra if MS bought Yahoo and decided to put a stop to that...could they stop further distribution if they terminated the license?

Quoting: # Term and Termination

* 6.1 - This Agreement will continue in effect unless and until terminated earlier pursuant to this Section 6. * 6.2 - In the event Yahoo! determines that You have breached this Agreement, Yahoo! may terminate this Agreement. * 6.3 - All licenses granted hereunder shall terminate upon the termination of this Agreement. Termination will be in addition to any rights and remedies available to Yahoo! at law or equity or under this Agreement. * 6.4 - Termination of this Agreement will not affect the provisions regarding reservation of rights (Section 3.1), provisions disclaiming or limiting Yahoo!'s liability (Sections 4 and 5), Termination (Section 6) or Miscellaneous (Section 7), which provisions will survive termination of this Agreement.

Not sure...but the GPL would take care of any and all concerns, IMO. Again, IANAL.

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