Google restores tethering apps to Android, just not in US

Story: Google bans tethering app from Android MarketTotal Replies: 3
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Apr 02, 2009
9:15 AM EDT
Quoting:After performing a mass sweep of tethering applications from the Android Market earlier this week, Google have backtracked. Rather than a total ban, their suggestion is to leave tethering software available to “users outside the T-Mobile US network”

Apr 02, 2009
9:53 AM EDT
WTF why should T-Mobile even care? There is a saying that corporate American is really adult daycare. I think it's mentally ill adult daycare.

Apr 02, 2009
2:14 PM EDT
If they are like other wireless vendors, they care because they want you to buy the nice expensive Cell Modem for your laptop with the nice expensive plan that goes along with it. Instead of just using whatever access you have through your normal phone plan. Yes, stupid, but this IS the cell industry we're talking about....

Apr 02, 2009
4:42 PM EDT
Quoting:WTF why should T-Mobile even care?

It's against their ToS. At least in the US. T-Mobile "forgot" to put the Dutch ToS on their website (all the phone plans ToS are there, just not the internet plan ToS). I asked them for a copy and see if it's just the US or over here as well.

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