Love those fried capacitors

Story: Linux Works Even When Your PC is Committing SuicideTotal Replies: 10
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Apr 16, 2009
9:12 PM EDT
It's nice to diagnose a hardware problem by visually inspecting something that exploded.

Apr 16, 2009
10:24 PM EDT
That is the coolest pic! I'm thinking of making it into a poster.

Apr 16, 2009
10:33 PM EDT
We need a good demotivational motto for it.

Quoting:POPPED CAPACITORS Linux probably has a driver for that, too.

Apr 16, 2009
11:56 PM EDT
How about:

"Drivers? We don't need no stinkin' drivers!"

Apr 17, 2009
12:51 AM EDT
Linux, even our computers grow beards.

Apr 17, 2009
4:53 AM EDT
A couple of years ago, we had a bizarre problem with moisture/fungus in the house. It resulted in all moving parts (except the fan) inside the laptop ceasing to function entirely. Hard drive, CD drive, all gone. It's an older lappie, so booting from USB was not an option either. It did, however, have a BIOS that supported PXE booting. So I took some time to learn how that worked, set it up on the desktop machine running Cantrememberwhichdistro Linux, and voilla, we could play Wesnoth once again. (priorities, yaknow)

It always feels like one achieved magic when one figures out something new and fiddly like that. (is the word "nerdgasm" against the TOS here? :P)

Apr 17, 2009
6:12 AM EDT
Haha, "nerdgasm" :-) We should submit it for Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year.

Apr 17, 2009
11:07 AM EDT

I've never seen a "deleted" page on Wikipedia before.

Apr 17, 2009
1:17 PM EDT
Had mine do that a while back. Sounded like a d@mn shotgun blast went off, and the display continued working for like 8 hours or so more, until the next morning when I jiggled the mouse, to shut down the screen saver, and all hell broke loose. lol

Apr 17, 2009
3:27 PM EDT That's my previous card. NVIDIA.

Apr 17, 2009
5:55 PM EDT
I don't love those fried capacitors. I doubt they are very tasty and I think they'd upset my stomach I prefer stir fried veggies or maybe fried fish.

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