Story: This has nothing to do with LinuxTotal Replies: 11
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Apr 18, 2009
11:03 PM EDT
If someone doesn't squeal, oo, or ah at Scooter like way soon, I will hold a grudge. I mean it!

Apr 18, 2009
11:15 PM EDT

*evil grin*

Apr 18, 2009
11:33 PM EDT
!!!! Az, you are a BAD MAN!! No Scooter kisses for you!

Apr 18, 2009
11:35 PM EDT
Well I thought the pictures were cute. I've been really busy with one of my favorite animals, my ferret Chin Soon, who has been recovering from major surgery. Thankfully, she is doing really well. See: http://ferretsofdisorder.blogspot.com

Apr 19, 2009
12:44 AM EDT
Oh my, your ferrets have their own blog. Can't get any cooler than that :). I'm glad she is getting better, it's hell when the kids are sick.

Apr 19, 2009
4:38 AM EDT
Sorry, but I liked the cat picture the best.

Apr 19, 2009
6:50 AM EDT
Quoting:Sorry, but I liked the cat picture the best.

Yep, me too :)

Apr 19, 2009
12:05 PM EDT
Hey! I commented about Scooter on the Linux Today site, and what thanks do I get?

Gee. Disagree about copyright, people start treating you like proprietary binary blobs.

Apr 19, 2009
12:22 PM EDT
Go ahead Bob, pirut my piccies! Put on your black eyepatch and cutlass and live it up!

Apr 19, 2009
12:47 PM EDT
I thought pirut was a Red Hat thing. Is it really the same as pirate? If so, what does that say about Red Hat and Fedora?

Since people like cat pictures I'll have to take a picture of Friendly. He was a kitten that came from two area strays doing what they do. When predators came through and wiped out most of the stray population Friendly stayed on our deck and stayed alive. We call him Friendly because that is what he is. He has dreams of being a lap cat. Unfortunately he picked a home where someone (me) has a severe cat allergy.

We feed him, made a shelter for him on the deck, and hopefully we'll be able to afford whatever vet care he may need. Now that he's fully grown he probably will never be adopted by anyone (we tried when he was still little) and will probably always be an outdoor cat.

Friendly sometimes thinks he's a puppy. If I go out through the back he will follow me anywhere. Funny cat. I wish I wasn't allergic to him.

Apr 19, 2009
1:01 PM EDT
While I have been owned by a cat in the past, I must say that if I had a choice in the matter I'd have horses. They're bigger, take infinitely more care than cats, and are much more expensive to feed, but...

Horses SMELL BETTER than cats!

Apr 19, 2009
1:48 PM EDT
BTW, tuxchick, my ferrets' blog is in its fifth year. It's in the pets blog directory, too! Yep, there is an online directory for such things :)

I really appreciate your comment about kids getting sick. One person online, who wanted to attack me, said that I think ferrets are people. I don't. People who aren't animal people and who aren't pet owners just don't seem to understand that pets become part of the family. Some folks think that's nuts. OTOH, studies have show that us nutty pet people live longer. I sure know that if I'm depressed the ferrets almost always can snap me out of it.

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