"M$ shall implement ODF...effective 30 October 2009"

Story: Parsing the Microsoft - EU Interoperability CommitmentTotal Replies: 8
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Oct 23, 2009
6:10 AM EDT
Quoting:(29) Microsoft shall implement ODF 1.1 support, and include ODF in the “save as” drop down box, for Word 2007, Excel 2007 and PowerPoint 2007 in Office Service Pack 2 (“SP2”), and shall give customers who install SP2 the ability to set ODF 1.1 as their default format. This means that Microsoft shall support the ODF standard and provide a warranty as specified in the general provisions outlined in Section B.I of this Undertaking, effective 30 October 2009.
[url= paragraph 32 microsoft&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk][/url]

i wonder....

Oct 23, 2009
8:41 AM EDT
Good luck with that.

This is going to be interesting to watch.

Oct 23, 2009
9:08 AM EDT
Wonder? Interesting to watch? Not really. MSO 2007 already has ODF 1.1 support for some time now. It's even pretty standard's compliant, although the "to the letter" interepretation of the standard has left a few interoperability issues.

Oct 23, 2009
9:40 AM EDT
>although the "to the letter" interepretation of the standard has left a few interoperability issues.

That's why ....'i wonder'.... ;-P http://www.odfalliance.org/resources/fact-sheet-Microsoft-OD...

Oct 23, 2009
10:44 AM EDT
"To the letter" when it suits them. Case in point: that stupid Office OpenXML spec.

Oct 23, 2009
11:06 AM EDT
Quoting:Case in point: that stupid Office OpenXML spec.

Apparently. I was working on a group paper and the silly people kept uploading docx's. OO.o reads them fine of course. I tried once to save it back to docx after changing it and uploaded that. OO.o could reopen/read it fine, but the other students couldn't. Apparently Word was telling them it was corrupt....

I'm guessing this has something to do with OO.o having OOXML implemented via the standard, and Word not being fully compliant to the standard... Lovely.


Oct 23, 2009
3:51 PM EDT
@henke54: Interestingly enough, the ODF implementation also flushed out a couple of things where Microsoft got the spec right and everyone else got it wrong (e.g. chart pathnames). It just shows that interoperability testing and plugfests work :-)

Quoting:and Word not being fully compliant to the standard...

That is correct. Office 2007 was finished before OOXML was OSI approved. During the approval process MS and consorts tried very hard not to change the spec in such a was that Office 2007 did not conform anymore. They succeeded in almost all points. Almost, not entirely. Office 2007 does not conform to ISO OOXML. It does conform to ECMA OOXML.

Oct 23, 2009
4:11 PM EDT
Don't forget the Office OpenXML spec's use of "binary blobs". Just a way for Microsoft to say "we'll do as we d@#n well please".

Oct 23, 2009
7:10 PM EDT
Silly question: Why doesn't OO.o have an ECMA-OOXML mode? Or is that just too much work?

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