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Story: Steve Ballmer composed entirely of BSOD photos!Total Replies: 2
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Dec 03, 2009
11:28 AM EDT
A picture of Linus composed of Kernel oops screens.

Dec 03, 2009
11:37 AM EDT
Just two problems with that.

Nowadays, most kernel oopses aren't visible, with the user running X and suddenly it freezes.

And there are kernel oopses that don't cause a machine freeze.

That said, some of the images used for the Ballmer picture weren't BSOD's, they were GPF's.

Dec 03, 2009
3:56 PM EDT
Quoting:Nowadays, most kernel oopses aren't visible, with the user running X and suddenly it freezes.

Kernel Mode Switching is about to change that. AFAIK it's one of its goals - to make oopses visible so that users that don't know what a serial console is can report them.

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