Hackers Defend Liberty

Story: Editor's Note: Hackers Defend LibertyTotal Replies: 6
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Feb 20, 2011
6:10 PM EDT
That's two nice articles I've found today, thanks!

Add this one (Hackers Defend Liberty) to all the popular insurrection going on in Africa and the Middle East, and it's turning out to be a pretty good day! Bravo Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Iran, Saudis, ...

Keep on keepin' on. We may fix this world yet.

Feb 20, 2011
6:13 PM EDT
Even China's on tenter-hooks! :-) What could be more fun?!?

Feb 20, 2011
8:05 PM EDT
Let's see if they just install another authoritarian hierarchy, and have to do it all over again in a few years.

Feb 22, 2011
11:01 AM EDT
I dunno...

I think it's democratic republics all the way...

You gotta hand in to the Julian-Asange-types out there, releasing info & empowering the common person. All this is making me wonder why everyone was so critical of poor ol' Julian.

I think the "geek" is inheriting the Earth.

Feb 22, 2011
12:06 PM EDT
> I think it's democratic republics all the way...

While I hope you are correct, the history of the region doesn't inspire confidence.

Feb 22, 2011
6:15 PM EDT
> I think it's democratic republics all the way.

I would gladly direct your attention to Professor Hoppe's wonderful book, "Democracy: The God That Failed", its numerous ancillary articles and youtube videos that are only a search away.

I would, that is, if it weren't getting way out into TOS territory. :^)

But seriously, what matters is the society itself, not the form of government. There have been many Monarchies and Oligarchies through history that have had thriving, innovative societies of people who thought themselves very "free". And there are "democratic" forms that have given way to seriously repressive regimes, such as that debacle in central Europe in the 30s and 40s.

Feb 22, 2011
6:17 PM EDT
Oh, and just to be a click-whore, there are hackers who are NOT defenders of Liberty:


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