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Story: Asus will preload Ubuntu Linux on three Eee PCsTotal Replies: 6
Author Content

Jun 03, 2011
8:14 AM EDT
Quoting:Asus said that "many more" Eee PC models running Ubuntu will be available later this year.

ASUS, unlike honest politicians does not stay bought. My sources as MS tell me that this outfit balked at a slight reduction in buy off payments to push Windows over any alternative. Now like others before them they are trying to blackmail us by offering alternatives to the best damn operation system, bar none: Windows of the Day version. I tell you they are such crooks. We will see how well they do with this sinking niche product with a niche OS prospers without our backup cash. Hell they cannot even preload, junk pay-to-use software to subsidize their units. They are headed for certain bankruptcy.

The salient point ASUS misses is that MS has much bigger fish to fry, we are on the road to dominate the telecommunications industries with the purchase of Skype as just the first step in our plan of World Domination. And the next target in Nokia, it's mobile that's the key.

And it's Mobile All The Time. Here we have to get with the program, they are making me write this note while walking about (in circles, but it's the motion that counts - but I digress) lugging a seventeen inch desktop replacement unit that's really heavy. [Why couldn't they give me a light netbook running a light OS or even a light notebook. I am told we must all fall into line despite the adverse load and save humanity from poisoned Apples and Commie Operating Systems that suppress individuality. So I unquestioningly do what I am told and that's the difference between Freedom and Suppressive systems.] I am glad they let me detach the twenty three inch plus monitor back on my desk, since the power cords would become tangled and trip me up.

With Nokia we will have Windows Phones all the time for every consumer. We will get our numbers, count on it, even if we have to sell them as part of a mugging. The future is ours, so don't cause problems just do as you are told and taste freedom.

As always,

YBT == a.k.a. Your Buddy Txt. Honest Shill, fully registered at LXer.

Jun 03, 2011
8:35 AM EDT
@Txt - When are Tony and "Knuckles" going to visit ASUS?

Jun 03, 2011
8:39 AM EDT
Quoting: [...] When are Tony and "Knuckles" going to visit ASUS?

They are on unpaid leave at the moment. We think economics and our new path will suffice. If not there will be a forceful course correction.


Jun 03, 2011
9:49 AM EDT
And I thought they were just resting up from their whistle-stop tour of Asia... Downsizing the thug squad!?!? What's the world coming to?!?!

Jun 03, 2011
11:39 AM EDT

You fail to understand the utility of instability. When needed, muscle is both available and more compliant when their income is uncertain and their resources thin. Moreover, that hold true for those hired for the tissue between the ears where force is applied by other means.

As always,


Jun 03, 2011
1:13 PM EDT
@Txt --

You have beautifully summed up the basic Microsoft problem.

In this time of obesity, heart attacks, cancer, etc....

When presented with a lovely and healthy food like fish, Microsoft chooses to fry it.

Jun 03, 2011
1:27 PM EDT
Im Scottish if it ain't fried then you didn't cook it properly!

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