The shoe's on the other foot

Story: General-Purpose C Libraries: Not Many Good OptionsTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Jul 06, 2011
6:16 PM EDT
Quoting:However, glib is very much a child of UNIX/Linux parentage. To run it on Windows, you have to include the MinGW package. And while there is a minimal set of Win32-specific APIs, these are few in number and of limited use. The documentation is conspicuous in ignoring Windows and matters related to the platform.

Does Microsoft go to great lengths to document its native APIs, libraries and system calls? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Jul 06, 2011
6:37 PM EDT
Quoting:The documentation is conspicuous in ignoring Windows and matters related to the platform.

There should be a lot more that going on I feel.

Jul 06, 2011
9:56 PM EDT
The glib documentation could be an example to Windows developers of what good docs are like.

That is, they COULD be...

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