not a computer virus

Story: Computer virus hits US Predator and Reaper drone fleetTotal Replies: 3
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Oct 08, 2011
12:22 PM EDT
It's a Windows virus. Geez people.

Oct 08, 2011
12:47 PM EDT
You are correct, tuxchick. I just posted a link to an article stating that it was a Windows system, on the other thread.

Oct 08, 2011
1:58 PM EDT
I saw that, zenarcher, thanks. At least they name Windows. At the risk of sounding as pendantic as the "Linux is a kernel!! Nothing more!" crowd, I have a special peeve against "computer virus." I think it is a deliberate propaganda phrase that implies that's just the way it is with all computers, the silly things get these viruses because they just do. And to obscure the fact that Windows is as porous as a sieve.

Oct 08, 2011
2:34 PM EDT
I'm completely with you in your thinking there, tuxchick. Some of these, "We can remove viruses, from your computer," advertisements on television also contribute to the message. Right there, where the truly uninformed can hear about "computer viruses," and spread the message. As you say, "computers," don't get viruses.....operating systems do.

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