The OwnCloud apps for iPhone and Android cost 99 cents each

Story: ownCloud Invades More Distros, Apple AppStore, and Google PlayTotal Replies: 2
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Aug 02, 2012
12:55 AM EDT
I'm not saying 99 cents is a lot of money, but I'm wondering how well these apps actually work -- I welcome any reports.

I do know that the Linux desktop sync client was in terrible shape just a couple of months ago. Development on OwnCloud has been extremely rapid, so things might be a whole lot better even in this short period of time.


Aug 02, 2012
3:52 AM EDT
Well I'm using owncloud 3 on my Linux Mint KDE rig, and it seems to be working just fine. I had a lot of problems with oc 2 losing files, but as far as I can tell oc 3 is spot on.

Aug 02, 2012
11:34 AM EDT
I'm on version 3 also. Haven't made the move to version 4.

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