Support for MIDI

Story: KDE Plasma Media Center 1.1 Up To RC StageTotal Replies: 4
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Aug 11, 2013
10:18 PM EDT
Is their support for MIDI, one way or another. I do not expect -everything-, but playback should be there. I did not find anything there...? Anyone ?

Aug 12, 2013
1:46 AM EDT

I don't see anything there, either. It's been my experience that the "media players" generally have no MIDI playback capability built in. With XMMS, you have the timidity plugin. You also have the standalone playmidi and playmidi-X11 packages. As far as I know, MIDI playback is not an option in the multimedia players, unless there is an external plugin. I believe Audacious has one, but I'm not sure.

Does that help?

Aug 12, 2013
2:45 AM EDT
To me a media-centre is somewhere I would expect to store and replay pre-recorded sound and video. It is analogous to a cinema, or concert hall.

MIDI is concerned with musical performance using digital instruments. I would expect to find MIDI files either in a library, alongside music scores, libretti, theatre and film scripts; or in a musical instrument store together with synthesizers, keyboards, etc.

Perhaps in the future a television set will provide the alternatives of watching the film, or reading the script and directors notes.


Aug 12, 2013
3:35 AM EDT
@djohnston @vagabondo

Yes, I am very familiar with the nature of MIDI files. I use them every day ! But, as you said djohnston, with XMMS there is a plugin. And also, Audacious provides a 'amidi' plugin. One can use then Timidity or install fluidsynth plus sound fonts.

At least, they provide support/possibility ! I don't mind if there is extra work on the users part involved

But here, I see.....Nada ! Nothing ! And that for something they use the word --ALL-- ?

Aug 12, 2013
2:43 PM EDT
Well, I think --ALL-- is meant of the same way in which I would say: --ALL-- my money.

It doesn't necessarily mean "a lot" or "something complete", just that it's all there is.

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