There's also the LPI

Story: Get on the Linux job train with a new system administration classTotal Replies: 1
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Jan 22, 2015
3:02 PM EDT
Seems to me that the Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator class is competing for attention and dollars with the Linux Professional Institute's LPIC-2 certification. And highly motivated and innovative students who are into self-paced mastery of Linux SysAdmin can likely get the resources they need to pass EITHER the LFS201 or the LPIC-2 WITHOUT having to $hell out (bash, dash, zsh, ksh...;} ) a 3-digit $um just for classes alone!

Jan 22, 2015
11:29 PM EDT
... and speaking of LPI vs LFS, I haven't seen postings here under the grouping "LPI" for quite a long time. Maybe it's time for a group category change from "LPI" to "Linux Certifications" so that BOTH certification institutes and future ones can be included??


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