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Exploring AI? Here's Why Learning Python Might Be A Good Idea

So what exactly is Python, and why is it often linked with AI? Should you learn Python? This article aims to shed light on these questions. We’ll briefly journey through Python as a programming language and then dive into its vital roles in AI.

Jupyter Notebook: How to Install and Use

Learn about JupyterLab: a web-based, interactive development environment. It’s most well known for offering a so-called notebook called Jupyter Notebook, but you can also use it to create and edit other files, like code, text files, and markdown files. In addition, it allows you to open a Python terminal to experiment and tinker.

Numpy: An Intro To The Foundation of Python Data Science

Python was conceived with one target in mind, simplicity. This simplicity has made Python one of the most popular languages today. However, Python developers have to sacrifice performance to make their lives easier. This performance sacrifice considerably impacts numerical and scientific computing, though! Luckily, NumPy is there to save the day!

What You Didn’t Know About Python Dictionaries

The dictionary is one of Python’s most powerful data types. In other programming languages and computer science in general, dictionaries are also known as associative arrays. They allow you to associate one or more keys to values. This article shares some beyond-the-basics tips and tricks.

9 Programming Life Lessons You Must Experience Yourself to Truly Understand

In programming, there are many lessons to be learned from experience. The author of this article had to learn these nine programming life lessons the hard way!

A Free Python Tutorial for Beginners

There are many Python tutorials, and it can be hard to pick the right one to start your learning journey. The free Python tutorial for beginners at Python Land guides you through all the beginning steps, like installing and starting Python. You get acquainted with the basics, like numbers, strings, loops, and conditional programming. The author (a programming veteran) takes you from a beginner to an intermediate level through a myriad of examples (some of them interactive and runnable) that help grasp the basics quickly.

The 12 Habits of Highly Effective Software Developers

I’ve worked with many software developers, some of them fresh out of college and others seasoned professionals. This article lists some of the traits these people seem to have in common, and I’m confident that there’s something to learn for everyone here, no matter your track record.

Running Python in your browser with PyScript (playground included in the article)

PyScript allows you to create rich Python applications in the browser using nothing but HTML and Python code. Although it’s super rough and super new, I can tell you this will be a game-changing part of the Python ecosystem. It’s worth keeping a close watch on this one!

6 Universal Readable Code Tricks To Improve Your Coding Skills

Chances are your code looks like crap, is hard to read, and hard to understand. There… I’ve said it. Sorry if that sounded harsh, but it’s the painful truth. Writing readable code is difficult. I’ve seen too much code in my career that was written so badly that I had to throw it away and redo the entire project. And the most painful fact is that this code was not written by beginners either! Writing nice, readable code takes time and effort, sure. But it’s also a matter of learning the right habits. With a few simple tools and some tweaks to your coding style, you can improve your code quality ten-fold without much effort.

How To Create A Bash Script, With Example Code

With bash scripts, you can run sequences of commands. They prevent you from repeating yourself and allow you to store long and tedious to type commands for later usage. In this article, you'll learn how to create a Bash script. You'll also learn how to read arguments, use variables, and create for-loops to repeat actions.

How To Create And Import Python Modules

The Python import statement allows us to import a Python module. In turn, A Python module helps us organize and reuse our code. This detailed article demonstrates how Python modules work, how you can create modules, and how to import Python modules.

This Is How You Install and Remove Python Packages With Pip

Pip is the command you use to manage Python packages with the Pip package manager. This article explains how to install pip itself on Linux, and how to use it to install, manage, and remove packages. If you’re wondering what Pip stands for, the name Pip is a recursive acronym for ‘Pip Installs Packages.’

How To Open, Read, And Write Files with Python

Files are an essential part of working with computers, thus using Python to write to and read from a file are basic skills that you need to master. In this comprehensive article, you'll learn how to open a file in Python, read a file with Python (both at once or line-by-line), write to a file, and lots more, like moving files, deleting files, copying files, and so on. This tutorial has interactive example code that you can run right from your browser.

Python Debugger: Effortlessly Improve Your Debug Skills With This Trick

Debugging Python code, for many of us, comes down to adding print statements and trying to reason what’s going on based on the output. It’s not ideal, but for some reason, people just don’t want to touch the Python debugger.

How not to write comments in your Python code

Writing comments in your Python code is not as trivial as one might think. In this article, How not to write Python comments, I explain how to write comments in Python. More importantly, I also share how not to use comments. These are good practices for any programming language, by the way!

This Will Make You a Command-Line Ninja

  • Python Land; By Erik van Baaren (Posted by eriky on Sep 26, 2021 12:27 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux, Python
A well-crafted bash command or script can save hours of manual labor. This tutorial will show you exactly how easy it is to become a command-line ninja and automate those tedious tasks.

Bloom Filter: A Simple Way to Optimize Your Software

A Bloom filter efficiently tests if an element is a member of a set. It was first proposed by Burton Howard Bloom all the way back in 1970. Although a little unknown, they have become ubiquitous, especially in distributed systems and databases. Bloom filters are an excellent time and memory saver. This article explains why Bloom filters are, and how they work. With Python example code!

The 22 Most-Used Python Packages in The World in 2021

  •; By Erik van Baaren (Posted by eriky on Feb 10, 2021 8:13 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Python
How is Python being used around the globe and across industries? This question inspired me to write this piece. I figured a list of the most-used Python packages would give a good indication. As a starting point, I took a list of the most downloaded Python packages on PyPI over the past 365 days. Let’s dive in and find out what they do, how they’re related, and why they rank so high!

Learn Python for Free with These 6 Tips

Getting started is hard, no matter what subject it is, and especially if you don’t want to spend money. You want to find Python learning resources that are both free and of the highest possible quality. This article contains tip tips to get started properly and learn Python for free. It also explains thoroughly where and how to get help if you get stuck.

Python List Comprehension: What it is, how it works, and examples

  • Python Land; By Erik van Baaren (Posted by eriky on Jan 27, 2021 9:20 PM EDT)
In mathematics, there’s a concept called set-builder notation, also called set comprehension. Inspired by this principle, Python offers comprehensions, too. In fact, the Python list comprehension is a defining feature of the language. This article tells you how they work, including example code and advanced concepts, like nested list comprehensions.

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