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Ubuntu, the Bad Selfish Linux

In my grumpier moments their relentlessly positive, cult-like Kumbaya-or-else approach makes me want to turn the hose on them. But I don't remember them attacking anyone else the way they've been attacked.

Retouching photos (1/2)

  • Sander's Photography blog; By Sander de Kievit (Posted by tuxchick on Jul 19, 2010 9:26 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews, Tutorial; Groups: Linux
In this post, I compare the facilities to retouch photos in both digiKam and Aperture. Since for both packages there are plenty of options to retouch your pictures, I decided to split the post up into two different posts. In this post, I address where to find the tools and some the quick and easy retouches and how the editing works in general. In my next post, I will discuss the more advanced options, compare the tools available in either application has and say a bit on how they behave. As usual, I start with Aperture and then compare to how digiKam works.

What Good is it if They Don't Know it's Linux?

Let's retire that silly bushwah how the OS doesn't matter. Try that on any conscript into the World Wide Botnet, or anyone who has enjoyed a visit from the Business Software Alliance, or anyone who enjoys a big surprise when they renew their site licensing and learn that first taste was just to get them hooked, and now they get to enjoy paying the full freight. "Linux Inside" is a great selling point.

Copying is Stealing

Staying focused on one simple principle clears away any confusion: creative artists have a right to be paid. If we enjoy a piece of recorded music, a book, drawing, photo, movie, and the condition of owning a copy of that work is paying for it, then not paying for it is stealing. Legally it is copyright infringement, but I call it stealing, just like shoplifting or any petty theft.

Editor's Note: A Herd of Print Linux Magazines

Print isn't dead, it's just changing despite the best efforts of the titans of industry to resist and foil all change. Here is a roundup of excellent Linux print publications, and for no extra charge a bold prediction of the future of print.

What Jon Stewart Said, I Say Too. A lot

I boycott all abusive proprietary software companies, and I am finally learning to program, because if we don't take matters in our own hands we'll always be at the mercy of merciless interests who have nothing but contempt for us. (Hey, then we're even, because I have greater contempt for them.)

Boycott Apple. Boycott Everyone.

  • Linux Today; By Carla Schroder (Posted by tuxchick on Apr 30, 2010 10:17 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial
When Apple dispatched an elite police unit to conduct a literal door-busting raid on a Gizmodo editor's house to confiscate his computers, it seemed a clear case of heavy-handed corporate abuse. But a surprising number of people think it's OK.

Ubuntu's Linux OS -- Mac OS X's Doppelganger?

Apple is fading from relevance in the computing space as it turns its attention toward phones, Web tablets and other consumer gadgets. Its server products are a joke, and its desktop and laptop machines are rapidly losing their allure: Selling style over substance works only as long as you remain stylish, but on that front Apple has become tired, boring and predictable...Apple may not "get" it anymore, but it seems Canonical does.

Security FUD In Action: Not Windows' Fault, Nope, Not at All

This type of reporting is little more than propaganda. The goal is to convey the same message over and over: Cybercrime is entirely the fault of cybercriminals and careless users. Malware targets all PCs, that's just the way it is and it's nobody's fault, except criminals and careless users. It's pure baloney: The porous nature of Windows, and the entire Microsoft software stack, is the problem. Don't let anyone make you believe otherwise.

There is More to Linux Than Ubuntu

The fine people at Canonical are experts at keeping Ubuntu in the news, and keeping a lot of buzz alive. That is a good thing; still, it is easy to get the impression that Ubuntu is Linux. But we know there is a whole world outside of Canonical, so here are some of my favorite Linuxes.

Celebrate the 2010 Dewey Winburne Community Service Honorees

Such is the motivation behind the Dewey Winburne Community Service Award, which recognizes 10 Central Texas citizens who have used the power of technology to improve lives locally and around the world. The ten grass-roots honorees for the 2010 Dewey Award are as listed below, with special kudos to Ken Starks of the Helios Project who has gained special recognition for his work in supplying local children with re-furbished computers.

Groklaw: How One Person Can Do Big Deeds. Thanks PJ.

What would have happened if Pamela Jones and Groklaw had not taken an interest in this case? Would there have been any semblance of truth anywhere? I think not.

What is There Besides Money? leads to dangerously skewed values. I don't need to remind anyone of all the abuses perpetrated in the name of chasing the dollar, do I? Or rant against idiotic billionaire worship? Whether it's a Gates or a Shuttleworth, admiring someone because they are able to amass a huge fortune is the dopiest form of idolatry.

All This Great Technology Just to Reinvent Television

The cloud, the smartphone, the tablet, the Web itself as a big giant operating system-- what's the fatal flaw in all of these? It's all about feeding content to passive "consumers". Plug me in, baby, I'm not lifting a finger ever again.

All Hail Our Benevolent Corporate Overlords

After reading Electronics Manufacturers Use US Legal System to Thwart Hardware 'Hacks' I was all set to type a fiery response, but Linux Today readers beat me to it. In a nutshell, the tech industry is accelerating its attacks on our rights to do what we want with our own property.

Newegg Ships Counterfeit Intel Core i7 920 CPUs

In an almost surreal tale of events, USA electronics retailer Newegg has discovered a reported 300 counterfeit Intel Core i7 920 CPU’s in its inventory, some of which were inadvertently shipped out to buyers!

Windows is Easier, Just Like Stabbing Your Own Eyeballs is Easier

Windows is all about walls. It's nothing but barriers. Want to do something? The answer is no. You know what the worst part of trying to troubleshoot and fix any Windows PC is? The endless waiting. Waiting for it to reboot. Waiting for hung processes to finish whatever they are doing. Waiting for apps to install or uninstall, and why is that always so dog-slow? For extra amusement, hook up a sniffer like Wireshark or tcpdump just to watch how many Windows apps phone home.

[I couldn't agree more Carla, my favorite are the programs that you can't remove once installed. Not in the list of installed programs, no un-installer, oh but you can delete the menu items..yeah that'll free up some space right? - Scott]

Keep Your Cloud, I'm a Customer Not a Consumer

The cloud hype is getting thicker and smellier every day. All the cloud excitement is coming from those who hope to profit from it, the vendors and breathless tech journalists who can't think of anything worthwhile to write about. They're working very hard to make it sound like a wonderful thing, a miracle of rare device that will transform life as we know it.

In related news, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Sasquatch, Yeti, and Elvis are all throwing a fabulous party at Graceland and everyone is invited. If you don't live in Memphis they'll send a private jet to pick you up.

Open Source in Social Activism

A man who claims to be the head of the Aryan Nations says he wants to move their national headquarters into my little hometown in Eastern Oregon. This is alarming news, because we don't care to have organized crime, hatred, and intolerance invade our little community. He thinks we share his values and won't mind... But even though we are a rural area that has been especially hard-hit by the recession, we have some powerful tools that our predecessors did not have. Like Facebook.

Microsoft/Amazon Deal: Nothing to See Here

Let’s avoid second-guessing and implication. There’s nothing to see here. We have real code to write.

[Mr. Zemlin is being a bit naive in dismissing Amazon paying a Linux patent tax to Microsoft, and further strengthening Microsoft's oft-repeated claims that Linux violates their patents, as "nothing to see." Want to write Linux code? Pay Microsoft first. - tuxchick]

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