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Pocket Operator add-on board launched for $99

  •; By Giorgio Mendoza (Posted by bob on Nov 5, 2022 7:19 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Community
CrowdSupply recently launched the Pocket Integrator, which is an add-on board for the compact programmable synthesizer/sequencer Pocket Operator released some years ago. This add-on board allows the user to control the time, tempo and also send MIDI & sync to the PO in real time. According to the product page, the microcontroller found on the […]

How to iterate over tables in Lua

In the Lua programming language, an array is called a table. A table is used in Lua to store data. If you're storing a lot of data in a structured way, it's useful to know your options for retrieving that data when you need it.

How to Install MinIO Storage on Rocky Linux

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Nov 4, 2022 7:29 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
MinIO is a free and open-source object storage server written in Go. It's compatible with Amazone S3 object storage and is one of the best and most free solutions for object storage. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of installing MinIO Object Storage on a Rocky Linux server.

Mozilla Foundation launches ethical venture capital fund

  • The Register; By Liam Proven (Posted by bob on Nov 4, 2022 5:06 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Mozilla
An unexpected move, but we suspect that Carl Sagan might have approved. Mozilla has announced the successor to the Mozilla Builders incubator: Mozilla Ventures.…

Version 252 of systemd, as expected, locks down the Linux boot process

The init system that everybody loves to hate. The fall version of systemd is here, with support for increased boot security including tightened full-disk encryption.…

How open source weaves connections between countries

Long ago, when I was a tech administrator for Arlington Public Schools, I received an unexpected email saying, "Our school in India loves your children's stories, so we've printed them all out in braille." Apparently, the school had found my collection of children's stories on the web. I spent a moment visualizing those students so far away, enjoying my stories on those printed pages of braille. The email's sender might not have realized how meaningful their email was to me, but it's stayed with me for two decades.

Is Lua worth learning?

Lua is a scripting language used for procedural programming, functional programming, and even object-oriented programming. It uses a C-like syntax, but is dynamically typed, features automatic memory management and garbage collection, and runs by interpreting bytecode with a register-based virtual machine. This makes it a great language for beginners, but also a powerful tool for experienced programmers.

Nitrux 2.5: The latest update to a radical Linux

Also one of the first distros we've seen with Kernel 6.0. Nitrux OS is one of the most stylish and innovative distros we've seen so far: systemd-free, based on AppImages, and with a very unusual desktop.…

Linux world gains ability to repair exFAT drives

  • The Register (Posted by bob on Nov 3, 2022 2:32 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
FAT ain't dead, and the modern version can get big. Really big In case you thought the FAT filesystem died out with Windows ME – and good riddance – we have bad news for you. Several versions of it are alive, well, and essential to modern PCs, cameras, phones, fondleslabs, and more. The good news is, you'll soon be able to fix the FS with Linux.…

Achieve smart home interoperability with open source technology

Advertisers sell the myth of the "Smart Home" as a magical world where you automate everything with ease to simplify your life and free your mind of trivial tasks. It looks great on paper and TV, but so far, it's mainly been a battle of technologies and manufacturers.

Zorin OS 16.2: Shapeshifting desktop to help the Linux-wary feel more at home

Pining for Windows XP? Update to the last major release can do that Zorin OS 16.2 is a friendlier and more feature-rich distro than its parent Ubuntu 20.04, with a lot of updates and bundled apps.…

How to Install Wiki.js on Rocky Linux 9

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Nov 2, 2022 5:00 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
Wiki.js is an open-source, lightweight wiki software. It is built on the Node.js JavaScript framework. In this tutorial, you will learn to install Wiki.js on a Rocky Linux 9 server using the PostgreSQL database and Nginx server for proxying.

Transfer files and folders from Windows to Linux with WinSCP

Sometimes you need to transfer files over a network. There are lots of file sharing services out there, but most require that you send your file to the Internet. This seems like a long way to go (not to mention the privacy concerns) when two computers are right beside each other, or at least in the same building...

Firefox patches Windows 11 Ctrl+C hang, introduces new bug

  • The Register; By Brandon Vigliarolo (Posted by bob on Nov 2, 2022 3:03 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Mozilla
Copying text now works without issue, so naturally pasting is getting iffy. Windows 11 and Firefox users who have experienced months of browser freezes when copying text, rejoice: there's finally a patch that eliminates the problem, which has been persistent since May.…

Linux Lite 6.2: Latest release from distro with a misleading name

One of the more popular Ubuntu-based flavors for new migrants from Windows. Linux Lite 6.2 is the latest version of this increasingly inaccurately named distro. In effect, it's a niftily customized remix of Xubuntu 22.04.1.…

Get started with Parseable, an open source log storage and observability platform

Get started with Parseable, an open source log storage and observability platform. Log data is one of the fastest-growing segments across data storage. It's also one of the most complicated spaces. There are several products and solutions with overlapping use cases and confusing marketing. This article looks at Parseable, a log storage and observability platform. Parseable is geared towards a better user experience, with an easy-to-deploy and use interface and a simple, cloud-native architecture. I'll also show how to set up Parseable with FluentBit to store logs.

How to Install MEAN Stack on Ubuntu 22.04

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Nov 1, 2022 12:45 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Ubuntu, Linux; Story Type: News Story
The MEAN stack is a free and open-source JavaScript-based framework used for developing web applications. The MEAN is made from four key technologies MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.

How to Install Jupyter Notebook on Ubuntu 22.04

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Nov 1, 2022 10:22 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Ubuntu, Linux; Story Type: News Story
Jupyter Notebook is a free, open-source, and web-based interactive computing platform that allows users to edit and run documents via a web browser. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Jupyter Notebook on Ubuntu 22.04.

10 universal steps for open source code review

I'm writing about my point of view on writing a code review. In this article, I'll share some helpful tips and tricks. I'll show you a few questions you should ask yourself and a few ideas of what to look for when doing a code review...

How to Install DokuWiki on Ubuntu 22.04

DokuWiki is a simple, easy-to-use, and highly versatile wiki software written in PHP. It is free, open-source, and uses a simple file format to store its data instead of using any database system. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install DokuWiki with Apache and the Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on Ubuntu 22.04.

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