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Securely share files between your computer and phone using samba and ufw

In this tutorial, I am going to talk about samba and ufw services. If you limit your file share within a dedicated range of ip addresses in your local network, your files are generally secure (from outside access), and still able to share files.

Fix AMD catalyst driver in Ubuntu 13.04

I found lots of people struggling to get catalyst driver work in Ubuntu 13.04. This issue has been persistent for some laptops, ever since Ubuntu 13.04 came out, specially for Intel, AMD dual graphics setup. For people, who have been looking at catalyst drivers ever since post was published, should not be that hard to find the solution, but for those who are new to Linux, or don’t have time for these kinds of issues, this issue might be a show stopper bug.

Create your second QML app for Ubuntu touch

In this post, I will try to provide enough resources for you to get started on mobile application development using QT Meta Language (QML). Although QML is not Ubuntu specific package, there will be some libraries and convention used in this tutorial that is specific for Ubuntu. However, you could easily use resources mentioned in this post to port your application to the platform of your choice.

Record desktop in Linux using ffmpeg

  • xpressrazor; By ubuuser (Posted by ubuuser on May 26, 2013 6:19 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
Here is how you can record your Linux desktop using ffmpeg.

Use your laptop as a wifi router under Linux

It is easy to setup ad-hoc wifi router in Linux. The problem is, many devices e.g Android (currently) can not connect to it. Network Manager 0.9.8 brings AP-mode Hotspot. However, since it is not integrated into nm-applet or other easy tools, we will still have to wait some time for a seemless experience. Until then, we will have to rely on hostapd software.

Download youtube videos on Linux

I have found many software that helps download youtube videos (browser plugins, and offline software like jdownloader, custom command to find bigger files in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/Cache/* ), but for past few months, I have found applications and settings I use in this review to be most useful.

The good and bad of Ubuntu 13.04 beta 2

LXer Feature: 15-Apr-2013

Keeping my tradition of reviewing Ubuntu beta ( and its final release ( I want to revisit those topics for Ubuntu 13.04.

Comparing different desktop environments on Ubuntu in terms of speed using fgl_glxgears

It is not fair to say certain desktop environment is faster than others only based on fgl_glxgears’s output. There are many more factors than, just having some FPS gain in an opengl tool to consider a desktop environment over others. One more fact to consider, a distro which has say e.g. twm as default window manager might have more benefits (ease of use, performance) than running on Ubuntu.

Ubuntu releasing smartphone OS has better chance than other platforms

LXer Feature: 09-Jan-2013

I am not talking about ubuntu winning against android, IOS or even windows, but ubuntu as an OS has more chance of winning than projects like tizen, bada, megoo, sailfish etc.

Why Linux Desktop is still not dead ?

We have been reading lately from some frustrated individuals, talking a lot about death of Linux Desktops. While it's good to read their opinion, it seems many of these people are either getting old or don't live with current trend. Linux is already 20 years old and in 20 years one can get old. This article is just my opinion on this subject.

Can Ubuntu Be What Everyone Would Use?

LXer Feature: 28-May-2012

Whenever there has been new transition, people have resisted to adapt to changes. Same has happened for gnome 3 based desktops. Specially from people who used to use gnome 2 as their primary desktop environment. Change for just the shake of change is not the best solution in most cases. However changes with desktops is something that can make or break the deal.

The good and bad of Ubuntu 12.04 (part 2)

LXer Feature: 12-May-2012

I had written an article in beta days. I want to revisit the topic. No operating system is perfect, so to consider Ubuntu to be bug free is just like saying software does not have bugs. The reality is software always has bugs. Its the amount and severity of bugs that gives a good metrics of how usable a system is.

ATI Cards on Sandy bridge processors on Linux (Ubuntu)

If you are like me, who has this specification, you might be thinking not again. The pain of trying to copy paste lines of Ubuntu .. Natty/Precise.. installation guides and after sure failure at last restoring back to mesa.

The good and bad of Ubuntu 12.04 beta 2

I don't do a lot of bad reviews about ubuntu, but this time around since I want the next release to be absolutely bug free (90% fixed) I have something to say about nuisances I found in Ubuntu 12.04 beta 2.

Create Your Own Ubuntu Distro

LXer Feature: 28-Feb-2012

If you have been using Ubuntu for several releases now, you know the time you had to spend on your computer on the installation day, e.g to configure different nuisances, install your work software, your favorite stuff etc. One such thing is multimedia support, sometimes networking issues, graphics issues and so on. If you break your system during that process you either dig deeper into the problem or start over again. Even after installation of Ubuntu, you want certain things Ubuntu ships to not be there. Many times I have had to remove certain default packages to make Ubuntu more to my liking. Today I will show how to create your own custom ubuntu DVD.

Why The Linux Desktop Matters More Than Ever, This Time?

LXer Feature: 12-Feb-2012

If we look back at failures of Linux on Desktops till today and analyze the technical part, it was due to hardware support and the software quality (GUI) that general computer users could use.

Why Linux Desktop Makes Total Sense

LXer Feature: 21-Dec-2011

Unity is more natural and user friendly to me than anything else..finally. I have not booted windows for 4 months. This is not one of those hate article or Windows vs Linux article, so if you have such intentions please feel free to escape this article presently.

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