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Mastering String Concatenation in Bash Scripting

String concatenation is a fundamental aspect of Bash scripting, allowing the combination of string literals, variables, and command outputs to form more complex strings. This capability is especially useful in loops, where dynamic string creation is often required. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, understanding how to effectively concatenate strings in Bash is a valuable skill.

How to install KeePassXC on Linux

  •; By Egidio Docile (Posted by linuxer on Jan 7, 2024 1:00 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
KeePassXC is a free and open source application we can use to safely manage our passwords and sensitive data. It can store usernames, passwords, URLs, and even file attachments. Data is encrypted and stored locally, in a “kdbx” file: this is the ideal solution if we don’t want to store sensitive information in the cloud. In this tutorial we learn how to install KeePassXC on Linux, as a native package or by using cross-distribution methods such as Flatpak, Snap or AppImage.

Decoding Raspberry Pi: Which OS to Choose?

Users have many choices when it comes to operating systems for the Raspberry Pi. This was not always the case, like when the Raspberry Pi premiered over a decade ago, support for the device was quite limited. These days, many different Linux distributions have added support for ARM devices like the Raspberry Pi, and there are even a good number of Linux distributions that have been developed specifically for use on the Raspberry Pi.

How to increase the security of systemd services

Nowadays all major Linux distributions adopted Systemd as their init system/service manager. Creating a systemd service is just a matter of writing a “.service” unit in the appropriate directory, and manage it using the systemctl utility. When starting a service, or launching a process in general, we want to make sure it runs with the lowest possible set of privileges it needs to accomplish the task. Systemd provides a series of options we can be use to fine-tune the behavior of a service, granting or denying privileges in a granular way, and ensuring a certain level of isolation from the rest of the system.

Understanding LiteSpeed: A Comparison with Apache and Nginx

LiteSpeed Web Server (LSWS) comes equipped with features that directly correspond with Apache's popular functionalities, such as its Rewrite Engine and ModSecurity. LSWS can even load Apache's configuration files seamlessly. Regarded as a drop-in replacement, LiteSpeed can integrate fully with control panels written for Apache, including, but not limited to, cPanel, Plesk, and DirectAdmin.

How to bind a rootless container to a privileged port on Linux

One of the main innovations introduced by Podman was the ability to run rootless containers. Security wise, this was a big improvement, since a potentially compromised container running as root represents a security threat for the host system. In order to obtain a similar behavior, recent versions of Docker support running the docker daemon in the user context. Running unprivileged containers, albeit more secure, has also its drawbacks, as the inability to bind to privileged host ports.

How to install and configure Fail2ban on Linux

Fail2ban is a free and open source software we can use to mitigate brute force and DoS/DDoS attacks: it scans log files for multiple failed authentication attempts and bans related IP addresses by creating ad-hoc firewall rules. In this tutorial, we see how to install and configure fail2ban on Linux, and we learn the basic concepts behind its usage.

Richard Stallman in Prague: Unyielding Spirit Amidst Health Challenges

  •; By Lubos Rendek (Posted by linuxer on Oct 4, 2023 6:28 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: GNU
The Free Software community witnessed a blend of resilience and unwavering dedication as Richard Stallman made a poignant appearance at the Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis 2023 in Prague on October 1, 2023. Despite battling a severe health condition, Stallman's presence at the congress underscored his enduring commitment to the Free Software ideology.

How to enable ZRAM on Raspberry Pi

Most Linux systems tend to use a little bit of storage on the hard drive as swap space, where temporary files can be stored by the system and then easily recalled later. This speeds up operations, without needing to take up any space inside of the physical memory (RAM). On a Raspberry Pi, this same convention can prove problematic due to the majority of devices relying on an SD card as the primary (or only) storage device.

Forcing Installation of Held-Back Packages in Ubuntu/Debian

During regular software updates in Ubuntu Linux distros, you may encounter a situation where some packages have been kept back and are not updated. This could lead to disparities in the version of packages across different systems.This article will delve into the management of kept back packages in Ubuntu. It will provide a step-by-step guide on how to force these packages to be automatically installed.

Switching to Firefox’s Deb Installation on Ubuntu 22.04+

Ubuntu’s distributions, starting from version 22.04, have started packaging Firefox as a Snap package. Snap packages are Ubuntu-specific, containerized software packages that include dependencies needed for the software to run. However, due to personal preference or issues regarding their functionality, some users may prefer to install Firefox as a traditional Deb package.

Fixing Black Screen After Suspension in Ubuntu 22.04: NVIDIA & AMD Guide

  •; By Lubos Rendek (Posted by linuxer on Sep 18, 2023 9:09 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
Undoubtedly, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS’s black screen after suspend issue has been a critical problem for some users. If you have an NVIDIA or AMD graphics card, you may find this issue more frequently. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the problem and provides various solutions.

Setting Up NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit in a Docker Container on Debian/Ubuntu

Harnessing the power of NVIDIA GPUs on Debian and Ubuntu systems often requires navigating a maze of configurations and dependencies. NVIDIA’s CUDA Toolkit, essential for GPU-accelerated tasks, can simplify this with Docker. By containerizing the toolkit, developers ensure a consistent, streamlined, and optimized environment across systems. In this guide, we’ll detail the steps to seamlessly integrate the CUDA Toolkit within a Docker container for these popular Linux distributions.

How to install Nvidia driver on Debian 12 Bookworm Linux

In this article, you will learn how to install the Nvidia driver on Debian 12 “Bookworm” from the standard Debian repository. If, for some reason, the installation of the Nvidia driver from the standard Debian repository fails, or if you wish to have a more up-to-date Nvidia driver, this tutorial will also guide you on how to install the official Nvidia driver directly from the website.

How to check and tune power consumption with Powertop on Linux

  •; By Egidio Docile (Posted by linuxer on Aug 30, 2023 11:32 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Powertop is a free and open source utility developed by Intel to monitor power consumption on Linux. The tool is able to display and export reports about the estimated discharge rate, and statics about processors and devices behavior. It also lets us easily tune some kernel parameters on the fly in order maximize battery life. In this tutorial we see how to install Powertop on some of the most used Linux distributions, and how to use it to monitor power consumption.

How to create and manage snippets in Vim with Ultisnips

  •; By Egidio Docile (Posted by linuxer on Aug 29, 2023 8:05 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Snippets are small fragments of reusable code which, in all the major text editors, can be defined, organized and associated to key shortcuts. Although in Vim it is possible to create snippets without using any plugin, Ultisnips provide us extra features and write snippets using a clean and well documented syntax. In this article we learn how to install the Ultisnips plugin and how to use it to write and manage snippets in Vim.

How to manipulate partition tables with fdisk, cfdisk and sfdisk on Linux

  •; By Egidio Docile (Posted by linuxer on Aug 27, 2023 7:36 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Fdisk, cfdisk and sfdisk are command line partitioning utilities included by default in all Linux distributions. They provide different interfaces to the same set of functions: while they all can be used interactively, only sfdisk is script-oriented. They support DOS, GPT, SGI and SUN partition tables.

How to use xargs to build command lines from standard input

  •; By Egidio Docile (Posted by linuxer on Aug 5, 2023 10:25 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Even the most basic installation of any Linux distribution comes with a set of really useful utilities: “xargs” is undoubtedly one of those. By using xargs we can build and execute command lines using items from standard input as arguments of a command. This is especially useful when dealing with programs which don’t read standard input directly.

Building a 'Hello World' Linux Systemd Service with Rust

  •; By Lucas Rees (Posted by linuxer on Aug 1, 2023 2:56 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
In this tutorial, we will create a simple ‘Hello World’ Systemd service using the Rust programming language. Systemd is a popular init system and service manager in modern Linux distributions. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a basic understanding of how to create and manage Systemd services with Rust.

Building Your Own CLI (Command Line Interface) Tool with Python on Linux

In this tutorial, we will learn how to build our own Command Line Interface (CLI) tool using Python on a Linux system. A CLI tool allows users to interact with a program or script through a command-line interface, providing a more efficient and flexible way of executing tasks. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a good understanding of how to create a CLI tool and perform various operations using it.

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