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My experience installing Libero SoC in Ubuntu and Windows 10

A few weeks ago, I received Microchip PolarFire SoC FPGA Icicle Kit with FPGA fabric and hard RISC-V cores capable of handling Linux. I wrote “Getting Started with Yocto Linux BSP” tutorial for the board, and I had initially titled the current post “Getting Started with FPGA development using Libero SoC and Polarfire FPGA SoC”.

A Look At Alacritty The OpenGL Powered Terminal Application

There are more terminal applications for Linux systems than you can shake a stick at... And frankly, most of them are like choosing what socks to wear; very little difference, save maybe for some special purposes, like thermal socks, or tiling terminals...But, every once and a while I come across one that does things a little differently, and makes me curious to check it out further; such as Alacritty.

Dynatron A39 - A Good Heatsink For Threadripper/EPYC 4U Systems

Quietly released earlier this year was the Dynatron A39 heatsink that is capable of up to 280 Watts heat dissipation for satisfying even the very latest, high-end AMD EPYC 7003 "Milan" processors. This Dynatron A39 TR4/sTRX4/SP3 heatsink has been working out very well for those needing to cool a Threadripper/EPYC system in a 3U or larger enclosure.

Indie dev finds that Linux users generate more, better bug reports

An indie developer has found an interesting observation: Though only 5.8% of his game's buyers were playing on Linux, they generated over 38% of the bug reports. Not because the Linux platform was buggier, either. Only 3 of the roughly 400 bug reports submitted by Linux users were platform specific, that is, would only happen on Linux.

Use Rust for embedded development

Over the past several years, Rust has gained a passionate following among programmers. Tech trends come and go, so it can be difficult to separate excitement just because something is new versus excitement over the merits of a technology, but I think Rust is a truly well-designed language. It aims to help developers build reliable and efficient software, and it was designed for that purpose from the ground up. There are key features you'll hear about Rust, and in this article, I demonstrate that many of these features are exactly why Rust also happens to be great for embedded systems.

Looking ahead to Fedora Linux 35

As Fedora gears up for the new release of Fedora Linux 35, let's take a moment to learn about how Fedora assembles each new distribution and what to expect in the upcoming Fedora Linux 35 release. Thanks to Ben for responding to this interview.

Build Kubernetes pods with Podman play kube

Whenever Podman developers talk about its future, they always mention one topic—making it easier to test workloads with Podman and deploy them into Kubernetes. The primary way users jump between Podman and Kubernetes is by using Podman's generate kube and play kube subcommands. As the names imply, generate kube creates a YAML description of a Podman pod or container to run in Kubernetes. Conversely, the play kube subcommand allows you to run Podman pods based on a Kubernetes YAML file.

How to Install a C Compiler on Linux

Whether you're coding in C or building a Linux program from the source, you'll have to install a C compiler. The two major ones on Linux are the venerable GCC and the newer Clang. Here's how you can install them both on your machine.

Raspberry Pi BMO is Fully Assembled and Ready for OctoPrint

In a recent episode of our weekly Raspberry Pi podcast, The PiCast, we had the honor of featuring developer and Artist Geeky Faye Art who’s been hard at work creating a huge BMO figure, a character from the show Adventure Time, with a Raspberry Pi inside. According to Geeky Faye Art, the goal of this project is to create a figure that looks like BMO, talks like BMO, and runs OctoPrint, an open-source system developed just for the Raspberry Pi to help manage and control 3D printers.

Our journey to open source during Google Summer of Code

Every year, Google organizes a program called Summer of Code (GSoC). Students worldwide can write open source code under an open source mentoring organization and get paid to do so! You get to work on cool open source projects, network with talented engineers, and get paid during the summer break. How cool is that!?

Microsoft under fire again from open-source .NET devs: Hot Reload feature pulled for sake of Visual Studio sales

Windows giant has a funny way of 'loving' Free software. Microsoft has enraged the open-source .NET community by removing functionality from open-source .NET to bolster the appeal of Visual Studio, not least against its cross-platform cousin Visual Studio Code.…

Raspberry Pi Powers Neural Network Processor Dev Kit

BrainChip, the neuromorphic AI specialist, has announced on Twitter that it is now taking orders for two new development kits for its Akida advanced neural networking processor, as spotted by CNX Software. One of the development kits comes with a Raspberry Pi 4, and the other, which is twice the price, comes with a barebones X86 mini PC.

DXVK Native 1.9.2a is out for translating Direct 3D 9 / 10 / 11 to Vulkan for Linux games

DXVK Native is the fork of the original translation layer DXVK, the part of Proton that translates Direct 3D 9 / 10 / 11 to Vulkan but this is meant for Linux native builds and a new release is out now. Developed by Joshua Ashton who has been involved in DXVK, VKD3D-Proton, updating a few Valve games and more. Be sure to check out our previous interview!

Master the Vim Text Editor on Linux Using Vimtutor

Learning how to use a terminal-based text editor like Vim can be hard. But you don't have to go through with all that trouble, not with Vimtutor.

Install Sails.js Framework with Nginx on CentOS 8

Sails.js is a Javascript framework for Node.js. It is used for developing real-time applications very quickly. It allows you to resemble the MVC architecture from frameworks like Ruby on Rails. In this post, we will show you how to install Sails.js with Nginx on CentOS 8

MAKE MORE with Inkscape – Papercraft et al.

Papercraft is more then a simple hobby. It is the basis for rapid prototyping, package design and many other creative works. Find out how to make Papercraft with Inkscape.

3 tips for printing with Linux

I have a confession to make. This may be an unpopular opinion. I actually enjoy reading documents on a piece of paper as opposed to digitally. When I want to try a new recipe, I print it out to follow it so I don't have to continually swipe my mobile device to keep up with the steps. I store all my favorite recipes in sheet protectors in a binder. I also like to print out coloring pages or activity sheets for my kids. There are a ton of options online or we create our own!

How to install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on Linux Mint

ONLYOFFICE desktop app is an open-source office suite pack that comprises editors for text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on your Linux Mint.

How and Why to Install Latte Dock From Source Code

If you plan to install the Latte Dock on your KDE desktop, you'll get much better results if you install from source code. Here's how to do that.

The best open source software of 2021

InfoWorld’s 2021 Bossie Awards recognize the year’s best open source software for software development, devops, data analytics, and machine learning.

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