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Unbound cache-only DNS server setup on RHEL 7 Linux

Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS server. Having said that, Unbound DNS server cannot be used as an authoritative DNS server, which means it cannot be used to host custom domain name records. As a result, if your goal is to build a cache-only or forwarding DNS server, Unbound may be your preferred choice, as it does just that and it does it well.

Python Functions

Here's another trip back to math class. If you remember, functions took in a number, did something to it, then outputted the new value. They were often represented in tables with the input on one side and the output on the other. Functions in programming are similar. Sometimes they take input. Sometimes they don't. Much of the time they return a value as well, but they don't always have to. In every case, they are used to repeat an operation whenever they are used, and that's the greatest similarity with the math concept.

Python Advanced Dictionaries

You've already gotten acquainted with dictionaries, but just like the other data structures Python supports, there are methods and more powerful ways to use them. There aren't as many methods for working with dictionaries as there are for lists, but that's because dictionaries just don't need them. Plus, many of the ones that do exist, work to break down dictionaries into lists and tuples to make them easier to manage. So, those list methods can be used in conjunction with the dictionary ones to create an efficient machine for handling data.

Python Dictionaries

Somebody hit lists with gamma rays. Okay, so Dictionaries aren't the Incredible Hulk, but they are supercharged in what they can do. In other languages, dictionaries are referred to as hashes, associative arrays, and associative lists. It's probably best to think of them as associative lists because that's exactly what they are. Dictionaries are lists that associate two values with one another. To think of it in terms of an actual dictionary, they associate a word, or key with a definition, or value. They function sort of like a list with custom indexes.

Python If Statements

How can a program make a decision? Can a program choose between two or more options. Actually, it can. This isn't some kind of advanced AI concept, it's just a matter of evaluating whether or not certain conditions have been met and choosing a response.

Python Boolean Operators

If you've been following along, you're probably tired of hearing about lists right about now. Well, this guide has nothing to do with lists! Remember back when you first leaned about variables; how there was one that just held True or False called a Boolean? There hasn't been a guide on them because Booleans are actually that simple. However, there are symbols called Boolean Operators that are used to evaluate whether a statement is true or false.

Python Tuples

Tuples are immutable data sets made up of data of different types. While tuples are very similar to lists, they are different in those key ways. Tuples cannot be changed once they are created. The data they hold can be passed to a different tuple, but the original tuple cannot be changed. This means that tuples don't have methods for manipulating them like lists do because they cannot be manipulated.

Python Multidimensional Lists

Now it's time to take lists to a new dimension. No, you don't need to learn how to code in "The Upside Down," but there are additional degrees of complexity to lists. Lists are used to hold data, but they are also used to categorize it. Values inside a list can be further broken down into other sets. That's essentially what a multidimensional list is.

Python List Methods

Using methods with lists gives you the power to manipulate the data stored in the lists quickly and effectively. Many of these methods are concerned with finding, adding, and removing pieces of data stored within the list they are being called on. Others are more concerned with the structure of the list itself.

Python Lists

Lists are a big deal. It really can't be overemphasized what a big deal they are. Lists are not only used for iterating through data, but they are also a popular data storage and categorization method used for handling data as a program is running. For anyone who's programmed in another language, lists are often known as arrays.

Python String Basics

Strings are called what they are because they are strings of characters. It doesn't matter if those characters are letters, numbers, symbols or spaces. They are all taken literally and not processed within a string. That's why strings are sometimes referred to as string literals.

Configuring WINE with Winetricks

If winecfg is a screwdriver, winetricks is a power drill. They both have their place, but winetricks is just a much more powerful tool. Actually, it even has the ability to launch winecfg. While winecfg gives you the ability to change the settings of WINE itself, winetricks gives you the ability to modify the actual Windows layer. It allows you to install important components like .dlls and system fonts as well as giving you the capability to edit the Windows registry. It also has a task manager, an uninstall utility, and file browser.

Using WINE Prefixes

  •; By Nick Congleton (Posted by linuxer on Oct 27, 2016 10:32 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
It's probably best to think of WINE prefixes sort of like virtual machines. They're not virtual machines, but they do behave somewhat similarly. A WINE prefix is a folder that contains all of the WINE configurations as well as all of the Windows pieces that WINE uses for compatibility, including libraries and a registry. The default WINE prefix is ~/.wine, but different and multiple prefixes can be used.

Configuring WINE with Winecfg

  •; By Nick Congleton (Posted by linuxer on Oct 25, 2016 10:33 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux, Steam
Many programs work under WINE with absolutely no configuration. The second WINE is installed, it can flawlessly run them. Unfortunately, that isn't always the case, and applications are constantly being updated, so the list of flawless applications is always changing. It's a good thing that WINE can be configured to accommodate potentially troublesome programs.

Basic Guide To Encrypting Linux Partitions With LUKS

There are plenty of reasons why people would need to encrypt a partition. Whether they're rooted it privacy, security, or confidentiality, setting up a basic encrypted partition on a Linux system is fairly easy. This is especially true when using LUKS, since its functionality is built directly into the kernel.

Installing NVIDIA Drivers All Major Linux Distributions

NVIDA supports Linux with its proprietary drivers nearly as well as it does Windows. That said, it's no secret that NVIDIA has long been the go-to choice for gaming on Linux. Unfortunately, even though the drivers support Linux well, installing them can become more complicated when dealing with different distributions. In many cases, the process is very simple but not well documented. In others, it's a bit tougher, but there is no reason that you can't get the latest NVIDIA drivers for your graphics card working on most major distributions.

Protecting Your Chat With qTox on Ubuntu Linux

Many people rely on proprietary chat solutions like Skype, but those solutions pose serious concerns for both privacy and security. Additionally, development of the Skype Linux client has been unpredictable at best, even stalling for a number of years, only to resume just recently.

Installing A Django Development Environment on Ubuntu

Django is easily the most popular web framework written in Python. It strikes a delicate balance between feature completeness and efficiency, including powerful features like automatic migration generation and a full-featured admin interface. Setting up a Django development environment in Ubuntu is fairly easy, and can be done in only a few steps.

How to install Discord on Linux

  •; By Nick Congleton (Posted by linuxer on Sep 14, 2016 12:26 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Games, Linux
In a relatively short time, Discord has become the favorite chat solution among gamers. That’s a fairly good thing. It’s easy to use and well supported across all platforms. Well, not quite. If you go to the Discord website at the time of writing this, there is one glaring omission from Discord’s list of available clients, Linux.

Installing WINE

Since there are multiple available versions of WINE, there are different ways to install it as well. Of course, each distribution also packages and ships WINE differently, and most only ship one or two versions of it. Thankfully, there are third party repositories available, and, when all else fails, WINE can be compiled from source.

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