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Linux Kernel Poll

Support the 2012 KDE Randa Meetings: Inspired and Intense

The KDE Randa Meetings are a small gathering of KDE contributors in the village of Randa, Switzerland. For the fourth year, the intense Randa sprints will include key KDE projects and top developers, all collaborating concurrently under one roof, isolated from noise and distractions. Funds are being raised to support the meetings. read more

Malaria is no excuse for patent trolling, Mr. Myhrvold

  • GigaOm; By Jeff John Roberts (Posted by tuxchick on Aug 13, 2012 2:30 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups:
The CEO of Intellectual Ventures says his company’s philanthropy means he is doing more good for the world than GigaOM. The claim fails to account for the harm to innovation he is causing through ruinous patent suits.

Linux Top 3-- SUSE Secures Boot, Ubuntu Boots Wayland, Slackware 14 Boots Up

Secure boot saga continues as distros new and old continue forward looking development

A Look At OpenGL ES 3.0: Lots Of Good Stuff

The OpenGL ES 3.0 specification was released earlier this week at SIGGRAPH 2012. The slides from the OpenGL ES BoF session have now surfaced with more perspective on this latest Khronos standard targeting OpenGL on mobile devices...

A New Round Of Enlightenment EFL 1.7 Alphas

Prior to commencing the weekend, the Enlightenment crew released a new round of alpha releases for EFL 1.7...

Kernel Log: Major overhaul of Nouveau

The kernel driver for NVIDIA graphics chips is undergoing a major overhaul. KVM is now available for MIPS. The new "lslocks" lists locked files and displays the programs that locked them

NVIDIA To Meet With X.Org Developers Next Month

NVIDIA doesn't usually show up at the annual X.Org Developers' Summits/Conferences, but for some reason at least one NVIDIA employee will be trekking to Germany for meeting with the open-source developers...

IP Cam Viewer Pro: Well Worth a Bit of Configuration Hassle

IP Cam Viewer Pro lets you view and control an Internet protocol camera through Android OS on a phone or tablet. App features include SSL encryption, pan tilt and zoom, relays for lights and garage doors, and recording functions. DVRs and network video recorders also can be controlled.

WordPress for iOS gets major UI refresh

Version 3.1 of WordPress for iOS features a major refresh of the app's user interface including new sidebar navigation and a sliding panel interface. Overall reliability and performance of the app has also been improved

Zenoss or Nagios? Your All-Seeing Network Eye in the Sky

  •; By Carla Schroder (Posted by tuxchick on Aug 10, 2012 11:49 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
One of the most common questions when comparing network monitoring tools is "What does Zenoss do that Nagios doesn't?"

Stresslinux Torture-Tests Your Hardware

Stresslinux is a lean, mean torture machine with 750MB of hardware-pummeling goodness for probing and load-testing your computer's hardware. Why, you ask, would anyone want to torture their nice hardware? Perhaps "torture" isn't the best word; think load-testing to expose defects, "burning in" a new machine, or to figure out some limits for overclocking

ownCloud Invades More Distros, Apple AppStore, and Google Play

LXer Feature: 01-Aug-2012

ownCloud is a baby in the cloud space, but a fast-growing and useful baby. ownCloud was born at a KDE community event in 2010, and is already an easy and flexible server for sharing and syncing files.

Texas Linux Fest is This Week - Win a Free Pass

Texas Linux Fest begins this Friday, August 3rd, and there's still plenty of time to register. Or, you can enter to win one of five free passes. You have until 3pm tomorrow, July 31 to enter, so hurry!  We'll post the winners tomorrow afternoon, so you'll still have time to register if you don't win.

Don't buy that security software!

Open source doesn't have to mean free of cost, but thanks to the generosity of open source developers many thousands of great applications are free. Why spend money when you don't have to? Though if you like and depend on an app, nothing says thanks like clicking the "Donate" button.

Build A Serious Multimedia Production Workstation With Arch Linux

Pretty much any Linux distribution makes a satisfactory multimedia production PC. But some are better than others, and my favorite is Arch Linux. Audio, video, and graphics are all CPU-intensive, so I want my processor cycles doing actual work rather than shoving a lardy operating system around. With Arch we get a stable, lean, clean operating system, an active developer and user community and good, up-to-date packages.

New Intel Driver Takes SNA Accel Mainstream

Chris Wilson released the xf86-video-intel 2.20 driver on Sunday, which brings SNA acceleration to the masses...

Dell's Ubuntu Laptop Program Enters Beta, 'Blows Away' Expectations

Earlier this month, however, the project entered beta and is apparently “rapidly gaining traction” within Dell, according to a recent blog post from Barton George, Dell's director of marketing for the Web vertical.

Intel Provides Linux PCI Express NTB Support

Intel has provided Linux kernel support for PCI Express Non-Transparent Bridges (NTB). PCI-E NTB allows for interconnecting multiple systems using PCI Express...

Two More Tiny Linux PCs Each Cost Less Than $100

This year has already been a notable one on many technological fronts, but certainly one of the more exciting ones among them is the Linux-powered revolution that's taking place in personal computing.

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