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The Linux desktop is in trouble

Video: Linus Torvalds looks to Chromebooks and Android for the future of the Linux desktop, while Linux Mint developers aren't happy with each other.

Getting started with Python's cryptography library

  • (Posted by bob on Apr 8, 2019 9:35 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Python; Story Type: News Story
The first rule of cryptography club is: never invent a cryptography system yourself. The second rule of cryptography club is: never implement a cryptography system yourself: many real-world holes are found in the implementation phase of a cryptosystem as well as in the design. read more

How to Install Anchor CMS on Debian 9

Anchor is a super-simple, lightweight blog system written in PHP. Anchor's source code is hosted on GitHub. In this tutorial, we will go through the Anchor CMS installation process on a Debian 9 (stretch) operating system by using NGINX as a web server and MariaDB as a database server.

A beginner's guide to building DevOps pipelines with open source tools

  • (Posted by bob on Apr 8, 2019 5:52 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
DevOps has become the default answer to fixing software development processes that are slow, siloed, or otherwise dysfunctional. But that doesn't mean very much when you're new to DevOps and aren't sure where to begin. This article explores what a DevOps pipeline is and offers a five-step process to create one. While this tutorial is not comprehensive, it should give you a foundation to start on and expand later. But first, a story. read more

Bash vs. Python: Which language should you use?

  • (Posted by bob on Apr 8, 2019 2:09 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Python; Story Type: News Story
Bash and Python are most automation engineers' favorite programming languages. Both have pros and cons, and sometimes it can be hard to choose which one you should use. The honest answer is: It depends on the task, the scope, the context, and the complexity of the task. Let's compare these two languages to get a better understanding of where each one shines. read more

InitRAMFS, Dracut, and the Dracut Emergency Shell

The Linux startup process goes through several stages before reaching the final graphical or multi-user target. The initramfs stage occurs just before the root file system is mounted. Dracut is a tool that is used to manage the initramfs. The dracut emergency shell is an interactive mode that can be initiated while the initramfs is […]

The Creator of Linux Says Facebook, Twitter, And Instagram Are "a Disease"

  • ScienceAlert; By Dan Robitzski (Posted by bob on Apr 8, 2019 3:11 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
"I absolutely detest modern media — Twitter, Facebook, Instagram," Torvalds told Linux Journall in a new interview. "It's a disease. It seems to encourage bad behavior." In particular, Torvalds said he takes issue with how social media is geared to generate as much engagement as possible.

Why corporate acquisitions could be good for the open source community

Open source is all over the media, IBM announced its acquisition of Red Hat, one of the largest in tech history, for $34 billion. Microsoft announced its agreement to acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion. It seems the world’s largest companies are either releasing or acquiring their own open-source software — but opinions on this trend are divided.

Manage multimedia files with Git

Learn how to use Git to track large multimedia files in your projects in the final article in our series on little-known uses of Git.

Happy 14th anniversary Git: What do you love about Git?

In the 14 years since Linus Torvalds developed Git, its influence on software development practices would be hard to match—in StackOverflow's 2018 developer survey, 87% of respondents said they use Git for version control. Clearly, no other tool is anywhere close to knocking Git off its throne as the king of source control management (SCM). In honor of Git's 14th anniversary on April 7, I asked some enthusiasts what they love most about it. Here's what they told me.

Rugged, Jetson-based computer supports up to six CSI cameras

Aaeon’s fanless, $1,067 “Boxer-8130AI” embedded computer runs Ubuntu on a Jetson TX2 module and features 6x MIPI-CSI2 camera lanes, -20 to 50°C support, and a wide-range power supply. Aaeon continues to spin different Boxer-branded, AI focused embedded computers based on Nvidia’s Jetson TX2 module. The latest Boxer-8130A focuses on vision processing applications such as machine […]

Run a server with Git

  • (Posted by bob on Apr 6, 2019 11:46 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
As I've tried to demonstrate in this series leading up to Git's 14th anniversary on April 7, Git can do a wide range of things beyond tracking source code. Believe it or not, Git can even manage your Git server, so you can, more or less, run a Git server with Git itself. read more

How to Authenticate a Linux Desktop to Your OpenLDAP Server

In this final part of our three-part series, we reach the conclusion everyone has been waiting for. The ultimate goal of using LDAP (in many cases) is enabling desktop authentication. With this setup, admins are better able to manage and control user accounts and logins. After all, Active Directory admins shouldn’t have all the fun, right?

First open source MIPS code is released

Wave Computing has released its first open source MIPS ISA without license fees or royalties. The MIPS Open release includes the latest R6 version of the MIPS 32-and-64-bit ISA plus an IDE for embedded Linux and RTOSes and support for the free MIPSfpga core. As promised in December when Wave Computing made the surprising announcement […]

Raise some horns: Red Hat's MetalKube aims to make Kubernetes on bare machines simple

Open-source project borrows bits of OpenStack OpenInfra Days UK 2019 Open-source software developers at Red Hat are working on a tool that would simplify deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters on bare-metal servers.…

Streaming internet radio with RadioDroid

  • (Posted by bob on Apr 6, 2019 1:52 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Online news outlets have recently lamented the passing of Google's Chromecast Audio device. The device received favorable reviews in the audio press, so I had already been thinking about acquiring one. Given the news of Chromecast's demise, I decided to look for one at a reasonable price—before they were all snapped up or thrown in the dumpster. read more

Installing Microsoft Visual Studio Code on Linux is a snap

Video: Canonical, Ubuntu's parent company, in partnership with Microsoft has made it possible to install Visual Studio Code on any Linux distribution which supports snap.

How to Install InvoicePlane with Nginx on Fedora 29

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Apr 5, 2019 11:23 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Fedora, Linux; Story Type: News Story
InvoicePlane is a free and open source invoicing application. This tutorial will show you how to install InvoicePlane on a fresh Fedora 29 system.

Using Square Brackets in Bash: Part 2

  •; By Paul Brown (Posted by bob on Apr 5, 2019 10:09 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
Welcome back to our mini-series on square brackets. In the previous article, we looked at various ways square brackets are used at the command line, including globbing... Square brackets can also be used as a command. Yep, for example, in...

File sharing with Git

  • (Posted by bob on Apr 5, 2019 7:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Git is one of those rare applications that has managed to encapsulate so much of modern computing into one program that it ends up serving as the computational engine for many other applications. While it's best-known for tracking source code changes in software development, it has many other uses that can make your life easier and more organized. In this series leading up to Git's 14th anniversary on April 7, we'll share seven little-known ways to use Git. read more

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