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Economical append-only offsite backups with restic and Wasabi on Debian 10

This guide shows how to install and configure the free backup software restic on Debian Buster to store off-site backups at the cloud storage company Wasabi. The main advantage of this guide is that it provides obligatory append-only backups. This means that once a backup has been made, it is secure in the sense that it cannot be overwritten or erased from the system the backup was made from.

12 open source tools for natural language processing

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 22, 2019 3:09 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Natural language processing (NLP), the technology that powers all the chatbots, voice assistants, predictive text, and other speech/text applications that permeate our lives, has evolved significantly in the last few years. There are a wide variety of open source NLP tools out there, so I decided to survey the landscape to help you plan your next voice- or text-based application. read more

New features in OpenStack Neutron

The community of infrastructure developers working on Neutron—the network connectivity-as-a-service project used by 92% of production OpenStack deployments, according to the 2018 OpenStack User Survey—has been busy extending the project to support new use cases driven by the rollout of 5G, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and edge computing. read more

Top 10 New Linux SBCs to Watch in 2019

  • - Original Content; By Eric Brown (Posted by bob on Mar 22, 2019 7:43 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story, Roundups; Groups: Linux
Here we examine 10 of the most intriguing, Linux-driven SBCs among the many products announced in the last four weeks that bookended the recent Embedded World show in Nuremberg.

Retail-oriented 21.5-inch panel PCs run on Kaby Lake and Bay Trail

Ibase’s 21.5-inch “UPC-7210” and “UPC-6210” panel PCs run Linux or Windows on 7th Gen Kaby Lake-U and Bay Trail CPUs, respectively. Highlights include 64GB SSDs, mini-PCIe, mSATA, and IP65 protection. Sometimes there’s a fine line between digital signage players and touch-panel PCs. Touch panels tend to be bulkier with lower resolution and fewer multi-display options […]

4 questions Uber's open source program office answers with data

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 22, 2019 4:00 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
It's been said that "Software is eating the world," and every company will eventually become a "software company." Since open source is becoming the mainstream path for developing software, the way companies manage their relationships with the open source projects they depend on will be crucial for their success. read more

How to Install and Configure Pydio on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Pydio is a free and open source cloud-based file-sharing and synchronization software that allows you to access all your data storages from the central location. It is very alternative to other file-sharing software such as ownCloud and Nextcloud. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install Pydio on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Top 10 new Linux hacker boards to watch for in 2019

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 22, 2019 12:17 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
The last month has seen an explosion of new Linux-based SBCs ranging from a next-gen BeagleBone AI and a Whiskey Lake based UP Xtreme to the first maker boards from Google and Nvidia. A recent Global Market Insights report projects the single board computer market will grow from $600 million in 2018 to $1 billion […]

Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 14 - Bitwise operators practical examples

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Mar 21, 2019 11:03 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
In one of our earlier articles, we discussed the basics of bitwise operators. I hope you went through that article and are now ready to witness and understand some practical usage examples of these operators.

Bare-Bones Monitoring with Monit and RRDtool

How to provide robust monitoring to low-end systems.

Getting started with Jaeger to build an Istio service mesh

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 21, 2019 3:37 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Service mesh provides a dedicated network for service-to-service communication in a transparent way. Istio aims to help developers and operators address service mesh features such as dynamic service discovery, mutual transport layer security (TLS), circuit breakers, rate limiting, and tracing. read more

How to use Spark SQL: A hands-on tutorial

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 21, 2019 11:54 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Apache; Story Type: News Story
In the first part of this series, we looked at advances in leveraging the power of relational databases "at scale" using Apache Spark SQL and DataFrames. We will now do a simple tutorial based on a real-world dataset to look at how to use Spark SQL. We will be using Spark DataFrames, but the focus will be more on using SQL. In a separate article, I will cover a detailed discussion around Spark DataFrames and common operations. read more

Scaling relational databases with Apache Spark SQL and DataFrames

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 21, 2019 8:11 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Apache; Story Type: News Story
Relational databases are here to stay, regardless of the hype and the advent of newer databases often called NoSQL databases. The simple reason is that relational databases enforce essential structure, constraints, and provide a nice, declarative language to query data (which we love): SQL! read more

Android clampdown on calls and texts access trashes bunch of apps

Users unchuffed, devs pulling bricked wares off Google Play. Android looks a little less open now that Google has begun to enforce draconian new rules on accessing a phone's call and text logs.…

How to Install Wiki.js on CentOS 7

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Mar 21, 2019 1:59 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Wiki.js is a modern and powerful OpenSource wiki app based on Node.js, Git, and Markdown. Wiki.js runs on the flamingly fast Node.js engine and is optimized to conserve CPU resources.

Handling Complex Memory Situations

Jérôme Glisse felt that the time had come for the Linux kernel to address seriously the issue of having many different types of memory installed on a single running system. There was main system memory and device-specific memory, and associated hierarchies regarding which memory to use at which time and under which circumstances. This complicated new situation, Jérôme said, was actually now the norm, and it should be treated as such.

Managing changes in open source projects

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 20, 2019 9:02 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Why bother having a process for proposing changes to your open source project? Why not just let people do what they're doing and merge the features when they're ready? Well, you can certainly do that if you're the only person on the project. Or maybe if it's just you and a few friends. read more

4 cool terminal multiplexers

The Fedora OS is comfortable and easy for lots of users. It has a stunning desktop that makes it easy to get everyday tasks done. Under the hood is all the power of a Linux system, and the terminal is the easiest way for power users to harness it. By default terminals are simple and […]

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