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GNU/Linux Matters launches one-month fund drive

"We have just launched a fund drive to cover our expenses for one year - until September 2008. “Keep Us Going” is the motto - for we have been going on for one year by ourselves and we now need external help."

Is .NET on GNU/Linux a Trojan Horse?

A take on the dialog regarding the strategic risks involved with the increased proliferation of .NET and Mono based software in GNU/Linux under the banner of Microsoft-Novell patent deal.

Nuxified and Cluenet prepare a gaming tourney. You are invited!

" and are preparing to hold a Free Software gaming tournament. Its purpose is to promote gaming in the Free Software world, on operating systems such as GNU/Linux, and *BSD and show that gaming is not limited to proprietary platforms such as Microsoft's Windows. We would like to do this in a collaborative and open way so this first announcement serves as a call to everyone who may be interested to join us and help us build this tournament." Reloaded: Blurring the lines between Operating Systems launches with a better new look and a revised premise. It will blur the lines between operating systems and focus on Free Software everywhere.

RMS on the ethics of non-free art

Since I wasn't yet as clear as I'd like to be on what can we consider to be free (as in freedom) among works which are not software and not functional and wasn't yet sure what exactly was Richard Stallman's view on this issue I decided to ask him directly. Here is the resulting email conversation.

Money for service and your content for free

It's the big problem of the net: how do you make money if everyone can access the files you produce for free? Earning money is not evil, it makes it possible to produce more art or information. It's a waste of talent to need a day job to support what you consider your real work.

Time for a Free Software Business Initiative

"It is time for "Free Software" to face the suits, and show them that there is more to what they now know as "Open Source" than Open Source!"

Merging "Open Source" and "Free Software"

Due to the increased diffusion of "Open Source" as a term this article suggests its gradual phase out in favor of the original "Free Software" term and renaming of the Open Source Initiative into "Free Software Business Initiative".

FSF prepares a new "Libre Planet" campaign

In a letter that recently came with Free Software Foundation's Bulletin Peter Brown poses an invitation to "help us build Libre planet - a base for free software activists and community" going on "your support will help launch Libre Planet by August 2007".

Fork a kernel, kill an "OS" and revolutionize the desktop

"The news of Con Kolivas, a Linux kernel developer, quitting that role, along with an interview in which he explains why, could and should make loud noises around the Free Software community which is often touting GNU/Linux as the best operating system one could use, and not just because of freedom you have with it. In the interview he says certain things which should cause tectonic shifts in the mindset that we have all been having. Why didn't we realize these things before?"

Ubuntu’s best move ever

"Was it the Dell laptops deal? The costless CD shipping from Shipit? The launch of the fully-free Gobuntu? Or will it be the liberation of the proprietary Launchpad platform? No, good people. Ubuntu’s best move ever has happened quietly, and it’s on its homepage."

People needed: Editors for First Steps in GNU/Linux

"GNU/Linux Matters is looking for Linux users who are able to present GNU/Linux to everyday computer users (and nowadays, "everyday computer user" means "windows user", but we should also take into account Mac users)."

Petition the UK Government to protect GPL software

A petition that has been created is "essentially proposing that GPL v3 software in the UK be granted immunity from patent infringement - therefore requiring an alteration of the Copyright, Designs and Patents act. The petition will run until 10 November 2007 and can be signed by persons who hold British citizenships, or by persons residing in the UK."

iPhone matures the "free your phone" movement

We've been using locked down phones and been served proprietary content by single providers for quite a while now, but it looks like it took the iPhone buzz for enough people to start opposing this for it to become a seed of a movement, or at least an extension of existing movements into new areas (Free Software and Free Culture movements).

Novell's comparison of AppArmor and SELinux

"After my previous two posts about SELinux and AppArmor, "Stupid advice and some of my own ideas" and Rusty AppArmor?, another post of the same topic. I had another look around for information on AppArmor and of course also followed a link leading directly to Novell where I found a Novell's AppArmor and SELinux comparison. Well, it was clear that they would present a shiny AppArmor and that SELinux wouldn't come out very good, but what I've read there wasn't only surprising, in my oppinion it was even ridiculous."

After 10 years: What is Open Source?

"So, considering what we have seen and what the OSI is currently doing, the question begs to be asked. After 10 years, do we really need Open Source or can we get back to the real issues at stake, that being software freedom?"

Sun Microsystems Embraces Free Software: An Interview with Patrick Finch

A long coming interview between the Libervis Community and Sun Microsystems representative is finally here. We have asked Patrick Finch, the leader of the OpenSolaris Content project and one of the guys working on FLOSS within the company, questions which we collectively believe might be of interest to anyone who uses or values Free Software.

Why supporting Tux500 is worth it

This article addresses reasons some in the community may have not to support the Tux500 project and explains why supporting it may be worth it.

Microsoft takes on the free world, and loses

"Continuing to spread FUD, with or without the ability to make deals which "validate" it, is the slowest path towards the revolution, but also the one which simply wont do any good for MS either. Its importance will continue fading away while Free Software continues to grow. Microsoft is really out of what they may consider good options here. "

Microsoft is not the boss, we are

"Was this really where Microsoft thought it would be ten years ago? Is this really Microsoft's idea of making the rules and leading the industry? Being forced to *deal with GNU/Linux* by making fuzzy deals with vague patent implications?"

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