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Linux-ready Apollo Lake mini-PC offers optional Movidius AI

Aaeon’s rugged “Boxer-6405” mini-PC features an Apollo Lake SoC plus 2x GbE, 4x USB 3.0, 3x or 4x serial, and an HDMI port. Options including SATA, wireless, and an UP AI Core card with Movidius technology. Aaeon announced a Boxer-6405 mini-PC that will be unveiled at the 20th China International Industry Fair, held Sep. 19-23.

Docker Guide: Dockerizing Nodejs Express Application on Ubuntu 18.04

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Sep 20, 2018 12:13 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Ubuntu, Linux; Story Type: News Story
In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a docker image for an existing Nodejs Express application project in Ubuntu 18.04. We will learn about dockerizing a Nodejs application, and then deploy the application as a container to the docker environment using a docker-compose script.

Moving Compiler Dependency Checks to Kconfig

The Linux kernel config system, Kconfig, uses a macro language very similar to the make build tool's macro language. There are a few differences, however. And of course, make is designed as a general-purpose build tool while Kconfig is Linux-kernel-specific. But, why would the kernel developers create a whole new macro language so closely resembling that of an existing general-purpose tool?

Linux pushd and popd Command Tutorial for Beginners (3 Examples)

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Sep 19, 2018 8:30 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
Command line navigation in Linux is primarily done using the cd command. However, there are several tips and tricks that may enhance your Linux command line navigation experience. In this article, we will discuss two commands - pushd and popd - using some easy to understand examples.

Host your own cloud with Raspberry Pi NAS

In the first two parts of this series, we discussed the hardware and software fundamentals for building network-attached storage (NAS) on a Raspberry Pi. We also put a proper backup strategy in place to secure the data on the NAS. read more

It's time to pay the maintainers

  • (Posted by bob on Sep 19, 2018 6:02 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Earlier this year, Tidelift conducted a survey of over 1,200 professional software developers and open source maintainers. We found that 83% of professional software development teams would be willing to pay for better maintenance, security, and licensing assurances around the open source projects they use. read more

5 ways DevSecOps changes security

There’s been an ongoing kerfuffle over whether we need to expand DevOps to explicitly bring in security. After all, the thinking goes, DevOps has always been something of a shorthand for a broad set of new practices, using new tools (often open source) and built on more collaborative cultures.

How to Install Croogo CMS on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Sep 19, 2018 11:50 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux, PHP, Ubuntu
Croogo is a free, open source Content Management System (CMS) written in PHP. It is powered by CakePHP MVC framework. This tutorial shows the installation of Croogo on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Understand Fedora memory usage with top

  • Fedora Magazine; By Paul W. Frields (Posted by bob on Sep 19, 2018 10:36 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Fedora
Have you used the top utility in a terminal to see memory usage on your Fedora system? If so, you might be surprised to see some of the numbers there. It might look like a lot more memory is consumed than your system has available. This article will explain a little more about memory usage, and […]

Linus Torvalds is doing a good and brave thing

VideoÖ Linus Torvalds, Linux's creator, has decided he needs to change his ways and how the Linux community works together. Now, if only other technology leaders would follow his lead.

Raspberry Pi I/O add-on targets aquaponics and hydroponics

Upsilon is Kickstartering a “BioControle” I/O add-on board for the RPi 3 designed for aquaponics and hydroponics. The $89, open-spec add-on offers power-protected 12-bit ADC and DAC, 4x relays, servo outputs, and sensor and logical I/O. We knew it was only a matter of time before we covered a board from Luxembourg, and that time […]

Explore the immersive web with Firefox Reality. Now available for Viveport, Oculus, and Daydream

Earlier this year, we shared that we are building a completely new browser called Firefox Reality. The mixed reality team at Mozilla set out to build a web browser that has been designed from the ground up to work on stand-alone virtual and augmented reality (or mixed reality) headsets. Today, we are pleased to announce that the first release of Firefox Reality is available in the Viveport, Oculus, and Daydream app stores.

Linux and Open Source FAQs: Common Myths and Misconceptions Addressed LinuxSecurity debunks some common myths and misconceptions regarding open source and Linux by answering a few Linux-related frequently asked questions.

Writing More Compact Bash Code

In any programming language, idioms may be used that may not seem obvious from reading the manual. Often these usages of the language represent ways to make your code more compact (as in requiring fewer lines of code).

Did you open source career begin with video games?

Certainly you don't need to be a gamer as a child to grow up and become a developer, nor does being a gamer automatically set you up for a career in technology. But there's definitely a good bit of overlap between the two. read more

3 top Python libraries for data science

  • (Posted by bob on Sep 18, 2018 11:03 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Python; Story Type: News Story
Python's many attractions—such as efficiency, code readability, and speed—have made it the go-to programming language for data science enthusiasts. Python is usually the preferred choice for data scientists and machine learning experts who want to escalate the functionalities of their applications. (For example, Andrey Bulezyuk used the Python programming language to create an amazing machine learning application.) read more

Linux firewalls: What you need to know about iptables and firewalld

  • (Posted by bob on Sep 18, 2018 7:20 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
This article is excerpted from my book, Linux in Action, and a second Manning project that’s yet to be released. The firewall A firewall is a set of rules. When a data packet moves into or out of a protected network space, its contents (in particular, information about its origin, target, and the protocol it plans to use) are tested against the firewall rules to see if it should be allowed through. Here’s a simple example: read more

Linux adds a code of conduct for programmers

In the aftermath of Linus Torvalds apologizing for how he's been running the Linux kernel community, Linux has adopted a new code of conduct. But some now claim this means Linux is being taken over by social justice warriors.

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