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How developers can get involved with open source networking

There have always been integration challenges with open source software, whether in pulling together Linux distributions or in mating program subsystems developed by geographically distributed communities. However, today we're seeing those challenges writ large with the rise of large ecosystems of projects in areas such as networking and cloud-native computing. read more

An Invisible Tax on the Web: Video Codecs

  • The Mozilla Blog (Posted by bob on Jul 15, 2018 2:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Mozilla
Here’s a surprising fact: It costs money to watch video online, even on free sites like YouTube. That’s because roughly 80% of video files rely on a patented video codec to compress and transmit media quickly over the internet...

Cooking with Linux (without a Net): Remote Linux System Administration Using Webmin and Virtualmin

It's time for the "Cooking with Linux (without a Net)" show where I do cool Linux and open-source stuff, live, on camera, and without the benefit of post video editing, therefore providing a high probability of falling flat on my face. On today's show, we cover remote Linux system administration using Webmin...

Clear Linux Makes a Strong Case for Your Next Cloud Platform

  •; By Jack Wallen (Posted by bob on Jul 14, 2018 10:19 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Cloud, Linux
Clear Linux comes from Intel’s Open Source Technology Center, which focuses primarily on the cloud. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that Clear Linux was designed specifically for the cloud while best leveraging Intel hardware. Because Clear Linux focuses primarily on Intel hardware, it can make best use of...

Empowering Linux Developers for the New Wave of Innovation

That Linux is open source makes it an amazing breeding ground for innovation. Developers aren’t constrained by closed ecosystems, meaning that Linux has long been the operating system of choice for developers. So by engaging with Linux, businesses can attract the best available developer skills. 

FOSS Project Spotlight: Pydio Cells, an Enterprise-Focused File-Sharing Solution

Pydio Cells is a brand-new product focused on the needs of enterprises and large organizations, brought to you from the people who launched the concept of the open-source file sharing and synchronization solution in 2008. The concept behind Pydio Cells is challenging: to be to file sharing what Slack has been to chats—that is, a revolution in terms of the number of features, power and ease of use.

How to Install Nextcloud with Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and configure the latest Nextcloud 13.0.2 release on an Ubuntu 18.04 server. We will run Nextcloud with a Nginx web server and PHP7.1-FPM and use MySQL server as the database system. Nextcloud is a free (Open Source) Dropbox-like software, a fork of the ownCloud project.

RK3399 based Renegade Elite debuts on Indiegogo for under $100

  •; By Eric Brown (Posted by bob on Jul 13, 2018 11:27 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Developer
Libre Computer has launched its promised “Renegade Elite” SBC on Indiegogo for $99. The RK3399-based board features GbE with PoE, HDMI 2.0, 2x USB Type-C with DP, and PCIe. In partnership with Firefly, Libre Computer has launched its previously announced Renegade Elite (ROC-RK3399) SBC on Indiegogo.

Python and Its Community Enter a New Phase

Python is an amazing programming language, there's no doubt about it. From humble beginnings in 1991, it's now just about everywhere. Whether you're doing web development, system administration, test automation, devops or data science, odds are good that Python is playing a role in your work.

What's the difference between a fork and a distribution?

  • (Posted by bob on Jul 13, 2018 5:44 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
If you've been around open source software for any length of time, you'll hear the terms fork and distribution thrown around casually in conversation. For many people, the distinction between the two isn't clear, so here I'll try to clear up the confusion. First, some definitions Before explaining the nuances of a fork vs. a distribution and the pitfalls thereof, let's define key concepts. Open source software is software that: read more

How to Setup and Install Oracle Weblogic in CentOS 7

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Jul 13, 2018 4:29 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Oracle, Linux; Story Type: News Story
In this tutorial, I'll guide you on how to setup and install Oracle Weblogic on CentOS 7 operation system. Oracle Weblogic is a middleware tool that is widely used by large companies to serve applications that use Java EE as the programming language.

Locks versus channels in concurrent Go

  • (Posted by bob on Jul 13, 2018 1:38 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Go has popularized the mantra don't communicate by sharing memory; share memory by communicating. The language does have the traditional mutex (mutual exclusion construct) to coordinate access to shared memory, but it favors the use of channels to share information among goroutines. read more

Road to RHCA--Preparation Meets Opportunity

This article is the second in my series "Road to RHCA", where I'm charting my journey to the Red Hat Certified Architect designation—a designation that's difficult to come by.

How to set up DevPI, a PyPI-compatible Python development server

  • (Posted by bob on Jul 13, 2018 8:41 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Python; Story Type: News Story
The first time I used DevPI, I was getting ready for a camping trip with my wife and kids. By "getting ready" I do not mean practicing my s'mores-making skills. I mean that I knew my kids would be entertained by camp staff some of the time, and I planned to fix a few bugs in the Twisted package. I also knew I would not have internet on the campgrounds, so I needed to be able to develop without connecting to the internet. read more

5 Reasons Open Source Certification Matters More Than Ever

As open source has become more pervasive, it has also profoundly impacted the job market. Across industries the skills gap is widening, making it ever more difficult to hire people with much needed job skills. In response, the demand for training and certification is growing.

Tiny carrier unleashes Nvidia Xavier power for robotics and AI

Nvidia unveiled a Jetson Xavier Developer Kit for its octa-core, AI/robotics focused Xavier module. The carrier includes eSATA, PCIe x16, GbE, 2x USB 3.1 Type-C with DP support, and 2x M.2 slots with NVMe support.

A sysadmin's guide to SELinux: 42 answers to the big questions

  • (Posted by bob on Jul 13, 2018 4:09 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
"It is an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem…" ?Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy read more

Python language founder steps down

  • ZDNet | open-source RSS; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by bob on Jul 13, 2018 3:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community, Python
Guido van Rossum, the "Benevolent Dictator For Life" of Python, has had enough and is walking away from leading the popular open-source language.

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