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96-core NanoPi Fire3 cluster computer blows past RPi rigs in benchmarks

Cluster computer projects are increasingly looking beyond the Raspberry Pi to build devices with faster cluster-friendly SBCs. Here’s a 96-core monster that taps the octa-core NanoPi Fire3. Cluster computers constructed of Raspberry Pi SBCs have been around for years, ranging from supercomputer-like behemoths to simple hobbyist rigs.

Guido van Rossum Stepping Down from Role as Python's Benevolent Dictator For Life

Python's Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL) Guido van Rossum today announced he's stepping down from the role. On the Python mailing list today, van Rossum said, "I would like to remove myself entirely from the decision process. I'll still be there for a while as an ordinary core dev, and I'll still be available to mentor people—possibly more available. But I'm basically giving myself a permanent vacation from being BDFL, and you all will be on your own."

Which email client do you prefer?

  • (Posted by bob on Jul 12, 2018 11:01 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Love it or hate it, for most of us, email is indispensable. And despite years of being told about the next big thing that's here to replace it, email doesn't appear to be going away any time soon. read more

How Setup and Configure Docker Swarm Cluster on Ubuntu

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Jul 12, 2018 10:00 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Ubuntu, Linux; Story Type: News Story
Docker Swarm is a tool that allows you to deploy a cluster of Docker Hosts. It's a native clustering tool provided by Docker which provides high-availability and high-performance for your application by distributing it to all nodes inside the swarm cluster. In this tutorial, we will show you step-by-step how to create a Swarm Cluster using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Low-profile Apollo Lake Mini-ITX board runs Linux

Axiomtek’s “MANO311” industrial thin Mini-ITX board runs Fedora, Ubuntu, or Win 10 on a dual-core Celeron N3350, and offers triple display and 4K support plus 6x serial, 6x USB, and SATA, mSATA, PCIe, and mini-PCIe. Axiomtek has released a thin-profile Mini-ITX board with wide-range power and a moderately extended 0 to 60?C range. The MANO311 […]

Re-engineering Xen: The important open-source hypervisor gets remodeled

  • ZDNet; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by bob on Jul 12, 2018 4:39 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
VIDEO: There's a new release of the Xen hypervisor, but it's far more than just a minor update.

SBC Clusters -- Beyond Raspberry Pi

Cluster computers constructed of Raspberry Pi SBCs have been around for years, ranging from supercomputer-like behemoths to simple hobbyist rigs. More recently, we’ve seen cluster designs that use other open-spec hacker boards, many of which offer higher computer power and faster networking at the same or lower price. Farther below, we’ll examine one recent open source design from Paul Smith at that combines 12 octa-core NanoPi-Fire3 SBCs for a 96-core cluster.

Linux apropos Command Tutorial for Beginners (5 Examples)

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Jul 12, 2018 2:11 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
In Linux, if you ever need help regarding a command, all you need to do is to open its man page. But what if a situation arises wherein the requirement is to quickly search the names and descriptions of all available man pages? Well, Linux has got your covered, as there exists a command dubbed apropos that does exactly this for you.

An introduction to Go arrays and slices

  • (Posted by bob on Jul 12, 2018 12:56 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
This article is part of a Go series by Mihalis Tsoukalos: read more

Xen Hypervisor 4.11 Released, New Browsh Text-Based Browser, Finney Cryptocurrency Phone, GNOME Hiring and More

News briefs for July 11, 2018.

CAN-based passive telematics software hitches ride on the Raspberry Pi

On Indiegogo, Network Sorcery is pitching “UCAN” software for a CAN-equipped Raspberry Pi board that enables passive, real-time decoding of automotive telematics data over the CAN Bus. UCAN initially supports GM, Infiniti, and Nissan cars. San Diego based Network Sorcery, which publishes information about network communication protocols, including the RFC Sourcebook, has gone to Indiegogo.........

Mozilla Funds Top Research Projects

  • The Mozilla Blog; By Jofish Kaye (Posted by bob on Jul 12, 2018 2:02 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Announcements; Groups: Mozilla
We are very happy to announce the results of the 2018H1 Mozilla Research Grants. This was an extremely competitive process, with over 115 applicants. We selected a total of eight ...........

What are cloud-native applications?

  • (Posted by bob on Jul 11, 2018 11:33 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Cloud
As cloud computing was starting to hit its stride six or seven years ago, one of the important questions people were struggling with was: "What do my apps have to look like if I want to run them in a public, private, or hybrid cloud?"

There were a number of takes at answering this question at the time.

Building hearing aids with a Linux-based open hardware board

Since first published the story of the GNU/Linux hearing aid research platform in 2010, there has been an explosion in the availability of miniature system boards, including the original BeagleBone in 2011 and the Raspberry Pi in 2012. read more

Xen Project Hypervisor: Virtualization and Power Management are Coalescing into an Energy-Aware Hypervisor

Power management in the Xen Project Hypervisor historically targets server applications to improve power consumption and heat management in data centers reducing electricity and cooling costs. In the embedded space, the Xen Project Hypervisor faces very different applications, architectures and power-related requirements, which focus on battery life, heat, and size.

5 open source racing and flying games for Linux

Gaming has traditionally been one of Linux's weak points. That has changed somewhat in recent years thanks to Steam, GOG, and other efforts to bring commercial games to multiple operating systems, but those games often are not open source. Sure, the games can be played on an open source operating system, but that is not good enough for an open source purist. read more

Minimum GCC Version Likely to Jump from 3.2 to 4.8

The question of the earliest GCC compiler version to support for building the Linux kernel comes up periodically. The ideal would be for Linux to compile under all GCC versions...

Postfix Virtual Hosting With LDAP Backend And With Dovecot As IMAP/POP3 Server On Ubuntu Bionic Beaver 18.04 LTS

This tutorial describes how to set up and configure virtual mail hosting with an LDAP backend. Software we will use in this howto: Postfix (MTA), Dovecot (IMAP / POP3), Gnarwl (vacation), OpenLDAP (LDAP) and vMailpanel as the management interface. Optional are Proftpd FTP, Roundcube (webmail) and MariaDB (SQL backend for Roundcube).

To survive Industry 4.0, think beyond the digital

  • (Posted by bob on Jul 11, 2018 1:39 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
We live in an age of innovation featuring rapid cycles of change. Futurist Gerd Leonhardt estimates we will see more change between 2015 and 2035 than in the prior 300 years of modern history. To effectively understand this change, we need to step back and see the large scale impact of this age. read more

4 add-ons to improve your privacy on Thunderbird

Thunderbird is a popular free email client developed by Mozilla. Similar to Firefox, Thunderbird offers a large choice of add-ons for extra features and customization. This article focuses on four add-ons to improve your privacy. Enigmail Encrypting emails using GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is the best way to keep their contents private. If you aren’t […]

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