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( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 9 ) Next »Privacy on macOS vs Linux: Which OS Protects Your Data Better?
When choosing an OS that prioritizes privacy, macOS and Linux are two strong contenders. Both are often favored over Windows for being more mindful of user data, but which one is better at privacy?
What is SASE and How to Use It on Linux
In the digital age, securing your network infrastructure is more critical than ever. Businesses using Linux systems must be proactive in implementing robust security measures. This guide explores how Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) can enhance your Linux network’s defenses.
Best Gamepads for Linux
A list of recommendations and a comparison of the best gamepads (controllers) for Linux. All are compatible and PnP.
How to use Microsoft OneDrive on Linux
In this post, I’m going to show you how to use OneDrive on a Linux distro. Both GUI and CLI options.Microsoft OneDrive doesn’t have an official desktop client for Linux. So, the only options you are left with are using the web version via a browser, or using 3-rd party clients. I’ll feature the 3-rd party clients here. Some of the clients in this post will be the same as the Google Drive clients.
How to use Google Drive on Linux
In this post, I’m going to show you how to use Google Drive on a Linux distro. The best options to use Google Drive via the graphical user interface (GUI) or command-line interface (CLI).
Installing QEMU on Debian with XFCE Desktop
A short and simple tutorial showing how to install QEMU on Debian (Xfce)
How to Restart Linux with a Command
In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to use the restart command on Linux and how to restart (reboot) your system via the command-line interface (CLI).
Ubuntu 24.04: Release Date, New Features to Expect & More
All you need to know about Ubuntu 24.04: the release date, what’s new, where to download it, FAQs, and more.
Linux Server Maintenance Checklist
If you own a Linux server, you’re probably already doing some of these maintenance tasks. Our checklist will help you keep track of all the tasks you should do on your server to properly maintain it.
How to Install and Use wget on CentOS
In this tutorial, we're going to show you how to install and use wget on CentOS. We'll include useful and practical examples of the wget command.
Introducing MantisBT – a FOSS bug tracker
A detailed introduction and a review of MantisBT, a widely-used open-source issue tracking system.
How to Install pCloud on Ubuntu
In this tutorial, we're going to show you how to install and use pCloud on Ubuntu. Follow our tutorial to install pCloud and learn how to use it through beginner-friendly instructions.
How to Find a File in Linux
In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to find a file in Linux with the find and locate commands.
cp command - How to Copy Files and Directories in Linux
In this tutorial, we're going to show you how to use the cp command on Linux.
How to Install LibreOffice on Ubuntu
Detailed and beginner-friendly instructions on how to install LibreOffice on Ubuntu via the GUI and via the Terminal.
How to Install Docker on Ubuntu
This tutorial will show you how to install Docker on Ubuntu with step-by-step instructions.
How to Install and Use Adobe Photoshop on Ubuntu
Detailed instructions on how to install and use Photoshop on Linux (Ubuntu) along with free alternatives for Photoshop that work natively on Linux.
Best Cloud Storage Services for Linux
In this guide, we’ll compare the best cloud storage services for Linux. All cloud storage providers featured here have client apps and support available for Linux. All providers featured here are generally considered to be good and reputable providers with positive reviews.
How to Install Code::Blocks on Ubuntu
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Code::Blocks on Ubuntu via the Terminal.
Linux History: a Look Back at 3 Decades of Linux (Infographic)
Here's a look back at (more than) 3 decades of Linux history: from the very beginning of Linus announcing Linux, to a few years ago. Every important event in Linux history. We created an infographic that shows every important event in the history of Linux in a fun visual way. It's just a reminder and a fun look back at what made Linux what it is today and how it came to be this way.