Showing headlines posted by evan_summers
What's the files? Bash auto-completion to the rescue.
Tip for auto-completion of commonly edited files using the bash "complete" built-in. Just define a "word list" file with our file names, and alias your favourite editor.
A Redis-based microservice in bash for automating git clone and npm install
This service is intended for the orchestration of a distributed system of Redis-driven microservices, in particular. a distributed webserver.
Bash script to Redis SCAN e.g. for pruning, migration and archiving
We document a bash script for Redis SCAN, which tries not to overwhelm our production system. This is useful for pruning, migrating keys, archiving content to disk e.g. into a pre-cache to be served directly by Nginx try_files
Bash script to keep an encrypted text file of passwords
On a secret cloud server, with ssh key access only, I like to keep a encrypted text file with passwords that I can never remember e.g. because I seldom use some of them, and/or have too many of them.
Bash script to try Docker for the first time, with a test Node app
Herewith a copy and pastable shell script to try Docker for the first time, with a test Node web app.
What is Redis?
Redis is good for prototyping, shared memory, messaging, caching and maximum performance. It might be used orthogonally and/or complementary to your SQL relation store, and/or NoSQL document store (e.g. MongoDB, RethinkDB, ElasticSearch).
Invoking parameterized functions in ad-hoc bash scripts.
One often wishes to cut and paste commonly used commands into a shell script for later reference, and reuse. So we introduce an approach for invoking parameterized functions in a bash script.