Showing headlines posted by ralsina
Simple KDE Trick #2: using remote desktops with avahi, krfb and krdc (with video)
Most people nowadays have more than one computer. Often, you are using one, and would like to do something in another. In this video, I will explain how trivial it is to do that without leaving your seat in a modern Linux using KDE.
Linux software installation is not broken at all
Linux software installation is not broken. In fact, everyone else is finally figuring it out, and linux was right all along.
What I want for christmas (The cool new trend on preloaded Linux)
Nice new things come with Linux in them.
Windows: my eXPerience
Can you be a computer consultant and generally a computer guy without ever installing windows? I managed for over 12 years... until this week.
Making Linux systems that don't suck. Part II
Why cron and at suck, and what can be done about it.
A KDE hack: Faster mail searches in kmail, using mairix
A way to use mairix to speed up searches in kmail 100x
Fighting Spam with Qmail (III)
Learn how to effectively use RBL lists with Qmail and Qmail-SPP while causing the minimal inconvenience for your users.
Be a good Lamarckian froggie!
A little thing I wrote after reading some biology book, about how software development works, and how we can take advantage of it.
Package Management: APT for RPM
I have been a big fan of apt4rpm ever since I worked at Conectiva (the guys who created the thing). Managing Red Hat and Fedora servers without it would be a PITA. Sadly, I see lots of people who don't know about it, or know, but don't use it to its fullest. So, here's a few tips...
Personal Backups using rdiff-backup
Want to make backups of your personal data? This article shows a simple way to do just that, using rdiff-backup. Rdiff-backup is a very space-efficient backup mechanism, because it stores only a full backup and uses deltas for older versions, instead of keeping whole files.
The Linux Booting Process
In this article we will explore how most Linux distributions boot, in some detail. I haven't seem many full explanations of this, and it's not terribly complex, although it is somewhat long. I will use a Red Hat 9 system to explain it, but most distributions should be almost the same... except Slackware and its derivatives.