Showing headlines posted by xetheriel

Why Open Source?

Fantasy author Thomas A. Knight goes over his reasons for using Free and Open Source software, with the hopes of convincing a few others to give it a try.

Geek got Chic

A short but sweet piece by fantasy author Thomas A. Knight on the rise of geek culture in today's society.

Gift One, Get One - Redux

Fantasy author Thomas A. Knight brings back his Gift One, Get One promotion for his birthday this year, and adds a number of other great fantasy novels to the pool. Give any one of these great fantasy novels as a gift, and get one free, and we all love getting something for free, right?

Launching My Legacy

Join Thomas A. Knight in celebrating the launch of his second novel, Legacy. Written and published using only open source technologies, Knight continues his support of Reglue with the royalties.

Giving Back - Thomas A. Knight

After a successful campaign to raise money for Ken Starks, and after using so much great software for so long, fantasy author Thomas A. Knight has put his debut novel up for grabs for free to give something back to the community.

Cultivating A Culture of Free

Fantasy Author Thomas A. Knight compares free software to free books and draws some important distinctions between the two.

Installing Linux Mint 12

Fantasy and Open Source Author Thomas A. Knight runs us through his recent experience with Linux Mint 12 and the new window manager, Unity.

Interview: Author and Game Designer Jeff Grubb

Thomas A. Knight continues his 29-day blogfest with an interview with one of the worlds greatest pen & paper role playing game designers, Jeff Grubb.

Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Fantasy Author and Open Source advocate Thomas A. Knight shares a little about himself, and celebrates the official launch date of his first published novel.

The Dark Side of the Internet

A glimpse at the results of a real life attack on a real life MySQL server, and the emotional end result of the damage caused.

The Magic of Community

Fantasy author Thomas A. Knight discusses what drew him to the Free Software Community to begin with, and how other communities have affected his writing. Virtual communities bring people together in an amazing way, come celebrate the magic.

Fantasy Author Interview: J. Robert King

In his very first author interview, Thomas A. Knight gets the opportunity to talk to one of Magic:The Gathering's finest authors, J. Robert King, and discuss his latest work, his life, and publishing in general. Also catch a glimpse into what The Open Source Author has to offer in the coming year!

Linux Gaming is Alive and Well

A list of games from great studios that proves that gaming on Linux is not dead! In fact, it's far from it.

Gaming History and the People Who Made It

Fantasy author Thomas A. Knight discusses gaming history and the people who made it. From D&D to Nintendo, these were the people that made gaming what it is today.

Thomas A. Knight - How Gaming Changed My Life

Knight talks about his gaming roots, and how it changed his life in subtle but fundamental ways.

Ken Starks: The Unsung Hero

Ken Starks is, by all standards, a normal guy. He lives in the Austin, Texas area, worked hard his entire life, raised a family, and has lived a mostly good life. Around 2005, Ken was pressure washing a building 38 feet in the air, when the lift failed. He came crashing to the ground, fracturing his spine at the neck. Thus ended one career, and began a new one.