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How to Install and Configure GoCD on Ubuntu 22.04

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Dec 21, 2022 10:29 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux, Ubuntu
GoCD is an open-source continuous delivery and automation system. GoCD excels at modeling complex CD workflows for fast feedback with its modeling constructs, parallel execution, and dependency management. This tutorial will teach you to install and configure GoCD on a Ubuntu 22.04 server.

How To Find Out Public IP Address From Command Line On Linux

This guide explains 3 different methods to find the public IP address from commandline in Linux.

Tails 5.8 Comes with a Wholly Redesigned Persistent Storage

Tails 5.8 OS now ships with a complete redesign of the Persistent Storage, Wayland by default, and a better Unsafe Browser.

Privacy-Focused Tails 5.8 Enables Wayland by Default, Adds New Persistent Storage

The Debian-based Tails 5.8 privacy-focused Linux distribution has been released today and it’s a major update that brings exciting new features and better security for those who want to stay anonymous while browsing the Internet.

8 reasons why to learn Linux command line !

The Linux command line is a powerful tool used to control and interact with the operating system. It is a text-based interface that allows users to enter commands and execute programs, as well as view and edit files. The command line provides access to a wide range of Linux features and commands, including system utilities and applications, network configuration, file manipulation, and more.

Linux kernel 6.2 promises multiple filesystem improvements

  • The Register; By Liam Proven (Posted by bob on Dec 21, 2022 2:23 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Kernel, Linux
Meanwhile the next-gen Linux filesystems are going nowhere fast. The forthcoming Linux kernel 6.2 should see improved filesystem handling, including performance gains for SD cards and USB keys, as well as FUSE. As for the next-gen storage subsystems… not so much.…

Explore the features of the Linux Double Commander file manager

Double Commander is a graphical dual-pane file manager for Linux, in the tradition of Midnight Commander (mc). While Midnight Commander (like the DOS application Norton Commander before it) has its fans, its audience is limited by the fact that it only runs in a terminal window. Not everyone wants to use a "flat" interface embedded in a terminal to browse their file system, and so Double Commander provides a similar interface in a way that feels familiar to many desktop users.

How To Remove Programs Installed From Source Using GNU Stow In Linux

This guide explains what is GNU Stow, how to install GNU Stow in Linux, and how to remove programs installed from source using GNU Stow.

How to Install Odoo 16 on Ubuntu 22.04

  • Rose Hosting Blog; By Jeff Wilson (Posted by RoseHosting on Dec 20, 2022 9:32 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Odoo is a suite of open source Business applications. It was formerly known as OpenERP, and it offers so many modules to use, like Point of Sale (POS), Inventory, CRM, Website, Live Chat, e-Commerce, Billing, Accounting, Warehouse, etc. The features do not end here. The developers at Odoo are still planning on offering new features in the future. This tutorial will show you how to install Odoo 16 on Ubuntu 22.04.

How I use Artipie, a PyPI repo

  •; By Alena Gerasimova (Posted by bob on Dec 20, 2022 7:54 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Python, Red Hat
While developing with Python as a student, I found that I needed some private centralized storage. This was so I could store binary and text data files, as well as Python packages. I found the answer in Artipie, an open source self-hosted software repository manager.

Linux Mint 21.1 Vera: The Best Mint Release Yet

Linux Mint 21.1 “Vera” has just been released, boasting numerous new features and a polished design. It’s the best Mint release yet - see why.

How to deploy Ghost CMS on Rocky Linux 9

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Dec 20, 2022 4:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux, MySQL
Ghost is an open-source blogging platform to help you create a professional-looking blog. This tutorial will explore how to install Ghost CMS using Nginx and MySQL on a server powered by Rocky Linux 9.

Debian Wraps up the Year with Bullseye 11.6 Release

  •; By Bobby Borisov (Posted by bobolin on Dec 20, 2022 10:37 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Debian
Debian 11.6 is now available, and while a minor release, it’s a mandatory step toward OS’s stability. So if you’re on Debian 11, it’s time to upgrade.

Machine Learning with Etnaviv and OpenCL

Machine learning is increasingly seeing more applications and its important to have FOSS options to accelerate such workloads. With that in mind, Collabora began an effort earlier this year to get a TFLite model running on a VIM3 NPU using Etnaviv and OpenCL.

Linux Mint 21.1 “Vera” Is Now Available for Download

The highly anticipated Linux Mint 21.1 “Vera” release has started appearing today on various of the official download mirrors of the Ubuntu-based distribution, which means that an official release announcement is upon us.

Discover the power of the Linux SpaceFM file manager

SpaceFM is a tabbed file manager for Linux using the GTK toolkit, so it fits right in on desktops like GNOME, Mate, Cinnamon, and others. SpaceFM also features a built-in device manager system, so it's particularly good for window managers, like Fluxbox or fvwm, which typically don't include a graphical device manager. If you're happy with the file managers on Linux, but you want to try one that's a little bit different in design, SpaceFM is worth a look.

SpamAssassin 4.0 Anti-Spam Platform Gets Full Unicode Support

  •; By Bobby Borisov (Posted by bobolin on Dec 20, 2022 4:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
SpamAssassin 4.0, a significant upgrade for this unwanted mail filtering system, brings full Unicode support and many other new features.

EndeavourOS Cassini Release Brings Linux Kernel 6.0, Pinebook Pro Support

EndeavourOS developer Bryan Poerwo announced today EndeavourOS Cassini as the latest ISO snapshot of this popular Arch Linux-based rolling-release distribution of the masses bringing the latest GNU/Linux technologies and Open Source software.

How to Use the Git Stash Command

  •; By Sarah (Posted by bvirt on Dec 20, 2022 12:53 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Learn how to use the git stash command. Tutorial with examples, along with details of the benefits of git stash and some common scenarios where the git stash command is useful.

Google, Mozilla to collaborate with Apple on fresh Webkit browser benchmark

  • The Register; By Brandon Vigliarolo (Posted by bob on Dec 19, 2022 11:16 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Mozilla
The lions shall lie down with the lamb on 'cross-industry' Speedometer v.3. Apple, Google and Mozilla are teaming up to develop a new version of the Speedometer browser benchmark that they say will score web browser performance in a novel way: one that reflects user journeys, not under-the-hood streamlining. …

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