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Top 10 Most Beautiful Linux Distributions Featured
We give you the top 10 beautiful Linux Distributions of 2022. They are a visual treat to your eyes while being a robust operating system.
Use Maven to manage your Java dependencies
As an open source enthusiast, I've used dozens (hundreds?) of libraries that are well beyond my skill or interest as a programmer. For a lot of people, including me, the available libraries are one of the things that makes a particular programming language worth using.
How to install Python 3.10 on Debian 11
Python is one of the most widely used open-source, multipurpose, and object-oriented programming languages.
How to Use Linux Screen Command
Linux screen command is one of the most useful command whenever you perform a long-running task like zipping a huge directory or exporting a database from Linux terminal without getting interrupted by sudden connection drop or the SSH session termination. Well, this happened to everyone of us at some point. This is where the screen command comes in that allows us to resume the sessions and save us while working on big process.
Easy way to fix: sudo unable to resolve host name or service not known
Once in a while, you will encounter the above error after making changes to /etc/hostname. And the resolution of this error is pretty simple.
Ubuntu Changed the Design of Its Logo, Here’s What It Looks Like Now
Ubuntu is, without a doubt, the most well-known desktop Linux distribution on the planet. In preparation for the upcoming Ubuntu 22.04 Long-Term Support update, due in April, Canonical has unveiled a new Ubuntu logo.
Microsoft freshens up its in-house container Linux, CBL-Mariner
Microsoft has released the March-2022 update for CBL-Mariner, but the version number hasn't budged from 1.0. Yes, the Windows giant has had its own Linux distro since September 2020, but don't get too excited. It's very small, very minimalist and overall not very exciting – which is of course just what you want from something to host your cloudy containers. Some seven months on from the first update, this one fixes a bunch of security holes and upgrades a few components but doesn't add much new functionality.
How to Install and Use Apache Guacamole Remote Desktop on Rocky Linux 8
Apache Guacamole is a free, open-source, clientless, remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like SSH, RDP, and VNC. In this tutorial, you will learn how to install and use Apache Guacamole on a Rocky Linux 8 based server.
6 Best Linux Desktop Environments to Try in 2022
Are you looking for the best Linux desktop environments for your desktop? Then this article is particularly for you. Want to find the notable mentions, the best features, and what you might be fond of? Get to know about the 6 best Linux desktop environments to try in 2022 from here. So, let’s dive in!
LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) 5 “Elsie” Is Now Available for Download
After more than two months of hard work, the LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) 5 “Elsie” distribution is now available for download for those who prefer a Debian-based Linux Mint.
Bash Scripting Cheat Sheet
The ability to automate tasks with Bash scripts in Linux is one of the operating system’s most powerful components. However, due to the sheer amount of scripting components, it can be intimidating for newcomers. Even longtime users may forget something every once in a while and that is why we have created this Bash scripting cheat sheet.
5 Best Linux-Libre Distributions for Better Security
Linux-libre is a version of the Linux kernel that only has open source code. This makes it very secure. Know the distros that use it today.
How to Install AnyDesk on Debian 11 Bullseye
In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install AnyDesk on Debian 11 Bullseye. The tutorial will import the official repository and gpg key with extra on how to update and remove the remote desktop software using the command line terminal.
Red Hat effort to shut down deemed harassment
IBM's Linux distro giant fails to wrestle domain name from owner. IBM's Red Hat cannot prevent Daniel Pocock and his Software Freedom Institute SA from using the domain name, according to a ruling on Monday.…
An open-source COBOL contender emerges
A new, all-FOSS, direct-to-binary compiler for the 63-year-old programming language. The newly announced gcobol compiler is a fresh front end for GCC, and builds native binary executables.…
NSA spies ample opportunities to harden Kubernetes
If Kubernetes is so complicated that even Google is automating its setup, then it's worth paying attention when U.S. spy giant, the National Security Agency (NSA) points to strengthening it.
How to run pods as systemd services with Podman
Podman is well known for its seamless integration into modern Linux systems, and supporting systemd is a cornerstone in these efforts. Linux commonly uses the systemd init system to manage local services such as web servers, container engines, network daemons, and all of their interdependencies. Extending these more traditional Linux system administration practices with the modern world of containers is a natural evolution.
What is Fstab in Linux | An introduction to Linux /etc/fstab file
In this guide, we will learn what is fstab in Linux, and what is the usage of fstab file, the structure of /etc/fstab file and finally how to debug fstab issues.
Heaps of tweaks and improvements incoming with GNOME 42
After the project reorganized its version numbering, GNOME 42 consolidates the ongoing modernization effort. Bear in mind, we're describing the release candidate, so some of the details might change before it comes out.
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