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nfobridge this week announced, a new website that offers free downloads and support for software. For the first time ever, downloaders have access to a professional online support staff free of charge. Before, users had to take it upon themselves to hunt for support options after downloading, the wildly popular open source office suite downloaded over 20 million times.
Choosing an open source license
The Open Source Initiative (OSI) lists more than 50 approved open source licenses. Each license is anywhere from slightly to vastly unlike its neighbors. All of them are written for lawyers, not mere mortal software developers. So how do you choose the most sensible an open source license for your projects?
BEA Remains the Leader in Linux-Based Application Server Software Platform Market Segment in 2003
BEA Systems, Inc. today announced that the company remains the leader in the Linux-based Application Server Software Platform (ASSP) market for the third year in a row, and that it grew by 166% 2003 over 2002, as measured by worldwide license and maintenance revenue, according to IDC's Worldwide and North American Application Server Software Platform 2003 Vendor Analysis. By the same metric, the IDC market model reveals BEA again captured the leading share in the North American market and in the Unix-based application server software market worldwide. The definitions of ASSP and software revenue, as well as the survey methodology and the operating-environment/regional modeling assumptions underlying these rankings are outlined in the report.
OOo Off the Wall: Setting Up Page Styles in OOo Writer
A little planning ahead will make your word processing tasks easier and keep your documents looking consistent as they grow.
Red Hat eases use of MS Exchange with Linux
Linux supplier Red Hat has included the open-source Connector for Exchange in its latest quarterly beta update of its Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system.
Gentoo 2004.2 released
Today marks the release of Gentoo Linux 2004.2 for the AMD64, HPPA, SPARC and X86 architectures!
txt2tags 2.0 released, interview with developer Aurelio Marinho Jargas
txt2tags is a single python script that converts text files with minimal markup to into formatted xhtml, html, SGML and other document formats. The new version add improved xhtml support, css support and better mgp, moin and man generation. The new txt2tags version adds (valid) XHTML support and better support for images and css. mgp, moin and man targets are improved. Some of the markup tags have been changed and documents created for 1.x must be converted. Read the interview with developer Aurelio Marinho Jargas to learn more. Download the latest version and try it yourself! "For outside exchange it is kinda hard, because you just can't impose a new format on a doc/PDF world. But for internal storage I think txt2tags can be a good choice for documents with no complicated structures. In fact, being simple it forces you to write in a simple way, using basic forms as lists and tables. For technical documentation, there is no need to abuse of formatting capabilities, so txt2tags can handle the job."
Firefox 1.0 Update
Ben Goodger has posted an update on his blog discussing what's next for Firefox on the road to 1.0. The decision has been made to call the next release "Firefox 1.0 Preview Release" externally, and 0.10 internally. Ben also goes into detail on what extension authors can do to ensure compatibility with this next release. More details on the latest extension standards can be found on the Firefox Project site.
Linux ESC-Asia to be held in Taiwan this week
The fourth embedded systems conference in Asia will be held in Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 28 and 29. Linux advocates including US-based IBM, MontaVista Software, Novell and China-based Red Hat will all tout their products and share their experiences of the embedded Linux development process. More than 10 developers and analysts from Taiwan industry will each demonstrate their latest embedded technologies and systems during the conference.
Microsoft Dividend is Good for Linux
You would think that having a monopoly in your business would have no comprehensible downsides to it, but Microsoft's monopoly, combined with the maturity of the computing marketplace means that its growth potential is practically nonexistent. Thad Phetteplace contributed the following editorial to osOpinion/osViews, which analyses Microsoft's recent dividend to its shareholders. His editorial draws parallels to Microsoft's new plateau-like growth strategy and new opportunities for Linux and open source software.
Novell federal buying deal comes with new fed workforce blood
No one thinks Novell's recent deal to participate in a federal IT purchasing program will open the floodgates to Linux and open source in Uncle Sam's boxes, but the deal coincides with a trend toward a younger federal workforce set to replace aging workers, and the technology that they use as well.
E-commerce attack is imminent, warn security experts
A surge in internet scanning activity in the past week could indicate a fresh wave of attacks on e-commerce servers, UK-based web services company Netcraft warned.
What to do when Open Source Licenses are not Compatible
In releasing the Wiki I had to choose between multiple free licenses. When it came down to making a decision it was the GFDL (GNU Free Documentation License) vs. the Create Commons by-sa.
Linux takes flight at aircrew association
While questions surrounding Linux’s reliability have left some companies skittish, the Hong Kong Aircrew Officers Association (HKAOA) is looking the other way and is more committed than ever to the open source operating system that powers the organisation’s online information system.
Ottawa Linux Symposium day 4: Andrew Morton's keynote address
The Ottawa Linux Symposium wrapped up its busy 4 days with a 6-hour long bar party at the Black Thorn Café across the street from the American Embassy in Ottawa. And for some, it was that social aspect that they came for. For most attendees, though, stable Linux kernel maintainer Andrew Morton's keynote address was the highlight of the day.
Linux-based Nitix serves the works
If there’s one thing IT managers of small businesses or branch offices need, it’s solid, uncomplicated technology. Net Integration Technologies thinks it has the answer. The company’s Nitix server is essentially a custom Linux distribution focused on the small office. Driven entirely from a Web interface, the solution boasts an impressive array of features, using the most common Linux services such as Samba and Apache.
Mozilla good, but IE not bad
Been using mozilla now for a year, not just switching and trying it and concluding that after using it for a while it beats IE hands down in every way. After using it for a year I can say that I like it but it definitely does not beat IE hands down nor in every way.
How Microsoft Can Embrace Linux
Considering Redmond's slim odds of conquering developing nations, why not offer them a low-cost Linux version of Office?
SCO-Linux Wars Are Far from Over
Just because SCO has been doing badly lately doesn't mean that its battles against Linux are even close to being over. Darn it!
Google nabs top engineer from BEA
BEA Systems Inc. has lost an important research and development engineer to search engine giant Google Inc.
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